
camellia sinensis

Having trouble sleeping. This one thought is floating in my head, and I keep bursting out laughing from the situation. Yeah, so laughing in the dark by myself, feeling embarrassed when nobody is around.

Dinner at that sushi place with Drab: there was a part where I was drinking my green tea, and there was this odd smoky taste to it. That led to me suddenly saying, "It tastes like trees!" A bit peculiar since tea leaves are harvested from shrubs, which I guess is technically a small tree, but I digress. How does Drab respond to my opinion?

"I like trees!"

I really don't know how else I could have responded to that at the time it was professed. Looking back on it, the conversation could have gone to one of three routes. Choose your adventure:

First, the conversation just dead-ends right there. Out of all the complex expressions coming out of Drab's mouth, this was the simplest, most rudimentary comment I have ever heard him utter. If it's a music preference, there would be backing with evidence as to why this artist may seem attractive if he played the accordion, blah blah blah. If it's food, there would be details to texture, color, aroma. Scientific article- hypothesis, method, results. And then I would question his taste in music, food, judgment, etc.

Second- what actually happened. I change the subject.

Third, I quickly reply, "I like trees, too!" This is the more awkward of the responses I could have imagined, not knowing but postulating as to what could have ensued if I had said this (Saturday morning cartoon-esque, recess at preschool, after school special), which is making me laugh and keeping me from sleeping.

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