

My Fair... Girl. Little girl with a cockney accent meets kid from Home Alone who teaches her the ways of proper English and high society living. Girl falls in love with boy before he gets stung to death by bees. Errors in communication- I talk about the ideal relationship from My Fair Lady, and Poorneel is agreeing, when in reality he was thinking about My Girl, where the boy dies a gruesome death by allergic reaction. Maybe BOTH could be ideal relationships, except that the girl would have the allergic reaction. I would be the beekeeper.

Oh right, personal life:

I grew up in California, living in a crowded house. On average, 11 or more people would be residing at my grandmother's place in the late 80s/early 90s.

Another career option- competitive gambling, preferably in mahjong. Let's make that Plan Y, before marrying the rich Jew. And I guess I'll downgrade Actuary past science grad student... I hate thinking big questions about small things work, small molecules that might have a big impact on life. I'd rather eat big, about a bunch of small things.

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