

I suppose I should something more productive than laying in bed all day. But it's so soft and warm under the sheets.

You know that feeling where you run around in your apartment and your dong is flopping around between your legs? It just makes you think: I'm a man!

So Poorneel arrived on the 23rd in the afternoon, when I had only 2 hours of sleep the day of, to go to some concert in SF. My brother had arrived the night before to stay a night before leaving for Napa. Poorneel and I ate at New Eritrea. OH, the sourdough bread. The meat and vegetable combination. The way the bread tastes even when soggy. The beer!

Then in the next day we- Clare, Nehertiti, Poorneel and I- started out with all-you-can-eat hot pot/korean bbq/shaved ice/boba tea/sushi. All that meat and vegetables and noodles. OHHH! Following that was Tartine for a lemon tart, swinging at Dolores Park (?), Sushi Bistro for dinner with brother and girl, beer at a jazz bar later that night.

Then came Sunday. Dim Sum at South Sea, yogurt at Tutti Melon, Banh Mi at Happy Donut, a lemon meringue tart at La Boulange, Italian for dinner at Sicily U.S. with red wine. I also picked up a book on How We Die at Out of the Closet.

Then there was Chinese breakfast along Taraval, a day at the Exploratorium. And finally dehydration at Cha Ya with Drab. Honestly, I ended up drinking liters of water the next day; I was dying of thirst.

My budget in those 4 days of eating probably exceeded Drab's budget on food per month. Needless to say, it was a shot of ecstasy, being able to go out and eat dinner with people without too much complaint about the food. It wasn't even pricey food- we just ended up constantly eating which racked up the bill, not that I'm complaining.

Everyone ended up meeting my brother and his girlfriend. I met Poorneel's friends. Nehertiti was oddly friendly- even though Indians and Asians usually get along, I got the feeling that she was into Asian boys. My suspicions were confirmed later when Poorneel told me about her past boyfriends- all being either Asian or half-Asian. So if the Indian girls go for the Asian guys (brother and girl, Nehertiti and boy), and the Asian girls go for the white guys (Lilypad and B-米, Janey and Dan), does that leave white girls with Indian guys? Or do I need to factor in more races to complete this circle?

It's been a week, so my only method of showing the feeling from the food I fed upon those four days can be summed up with an emoticon: ^-^! Looking at the pictures taken of me from the all-you-can-eat BBQ, my eyes really do curve up like that when I'm happy/smiling. Ugh.

2nd grade: the first year when they started the gifted and talented program (GT) for the above-average kids at school. I think we met only for math, though. I always wanted to kick everyone's ass on this timed math test with 100 problems that you were supposed to finish in 2 minutes. You were graded on speed and accuracy- like most things in life. My friend claims that he beat me once during the year. I argue otherwise. But all in all it was a fun time having two teachers and meeting the few people who could give you a challenge, if any. My teacher actually used to go to my parents' former restaurant. She still remembers me... I remember having to take a picture with her at this fake luau party we had near the end of the year- embarrassing moment. I think I was wearing swimming trunks when the photo was taken. SO awkward, UGH. I was the kid with the two large front teeth because the first set had fallen out months before. I wore the knee-length white socks and the pink-and-white striped shirt. If only I hadn't let my mom dress me at that age... Bugle Boys! That was one of the brands of shorts that I wore. Horrible!

1 comment:

Roopy said...

Well well, if you want a second round of ecstasy come hit up LA. Come with a full wallet, because there's a good 382903893 restaurants/places I want to try.