
farting lotion

new hits: [johannesburg]

so i've gotten hits in 6 continents. how to get to antartica. hmm.

waiting for my manga software. can't wait to add picters to this blog. maybe i'll just upload them on facebook. that might be easier.

so people are still gossiping at berkeley about the grad student who published some paper on the sevenless gene of Drosophila eyes and development. my first experience in developmental biology. i wish i had taken that class with my sponsor. what was her name? i think it was mary ellen. nice lady. didn't talk to her that much though, even if she gave me an A twice for bios310. so i was the highest score on the first quiz, and then below the mean on the second. how does that work?! oh yeah, i had no idea what i was doing. computational problems. bah. oh yeah, the couple that discovered/identified those genes for development in Drosophila- the gap, pair-rule, and segmentation(?) genes- had an affair. won the nobel later in their lives. i guess you CAN have your cake and eat her, too.

i ate chinese food for lunch, and then i took a nap. i ended up dreaming about chinese food. and eating all kinds of food with msg. AH!

HAHA the prince & me 2?! jeez. no wonder i flew the nest so quickly.

my roommate came back to the apartment with news that he found a place for 600 in SF. my natural response? "when are you moving out?" oops.

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