
fool's paradise

do you have MS Word Maury? I just insert symbol and use the greek letters from that.

ahhh, so you're the old-fashioned type of gal.

the results of the dream: i dreamed about my roommates, ugh. what a boring dream, indeed. it occurred in my bedroom in the apartment. one of the roommates was sleeping in my bed, which irritated me. i was stuck in the other bed with no sheets/covers of any kind. my other roommate comes in and asks me if he can use my cell phone. i allow him to, but then he's talking on the phone and takes it to the bathroom with him, where he's taking a shit! i'm not looking, but when you hear the toilet seat go down, you know something else is going down the bowl. i was reading neuroscience, and i just finished a chapter. i was debating whether or not to read onward, so i flipped the pages. i flipped through a few, realizing that i skipped a couple chapters. after thoroughly inspecting the pages, one chapter assigned for homework was 2 pages long, while the following chapter was only 1 page long. i was really giddy about reading more neuroscience. that dream disgusted me. i woke up and went to neuro class.

i talked to another guy in two of my classes today. i think his name is awet? like a wet blanket. hence shall be his nickname. i think i also saw my partner- the one i presented with about blindsight in neuro class- and i saw him in the next class. but he never shows up to neuro. oh well.

weekly summaries? HELL NO. i don't write for others to read my blog. i make sure that they're long so that people don't bother to read it, never knowing if i talk about them or not. i usually write to vent. i would probably continue writing regardless of who read my blog. but would i continue living if no one else were living? this one PhD student conducted some experiment on sleep where she isolated herself deep in a cave to observe circadian rhythms. she turned the lights on to indicate to the researchers that she was awake, and turned them off when she went to bed. complete isolation. food was brought to her, but no human contact. she ended up killing herself. after some number of months.

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