instead of doing genetics homework, i'm instead changing my facebook profile picture after having received summer photos from dwarfy- the penis kiss, trips to the beach, food.
so the simpsons/x-men were raves back in the day. what do we have TODAY that everyone enjoys?
nothing too exciting that happened today. more apartment searching. no dreams- i stayed up until 4:30 and woke up at 7:30 to study for a midterm. not going to be sleeping much until after my neuro final.
i thought people would be more attractive in CA. i guess that theory's wrong- for NorCal anyway.
i need to take a trip to napa valley and drink their wine, even if i don't like it. also need to take a trip to oregon and visit my light in the attic. oof, it's july already. hope her summer wasn't too dull.
oh jason siu. asexuals have no business in calling the shots on attractiveness. so silly.
make jesse and his two married friends take you to napa. mike and mary anne really know their way around some good wineries and they have a membership to one. it's fun.
you tend to enjoy things of this sort:
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