I fell asleep studying tonight for about an hour, and already had this extensive dream.
I was in some bathhouse, where all these naked men with odd curvatures were showering. I was in the shower and was intrigued by this shampoo that was completely black. I quirted some of it onto my hand, as the shampoo/conditioner dispensers were all lined up on a rack, and as I lathered up, the black liquid just kept getting stick and covering my field of vision. It kept growing, no bubbles forming, just like a very thick candy paste slowly oozing off of me. When the shampoo was finally washed off, this short midget was sitting atop a toilet, crapping mere inches away from me.
That caused me to leave the showers right away, grabbing a towel to climb over all these people along the floor. Upon examining one of the bags, I noticed that it was my brother's. Even though he hadn't been a member of this boy's club for a long time, his bag was still there, with his driver's license and other important documents inside. Then I started yelling with someone else about how much of a fuck up he was, how stupid it was of him to leave his bag there with precious information. After opening up one of the zippered pockets, I managed to find some capped needles, perhaps to be used for acupuncture. I pocketed those.
Then I realized that the guy I was talking to in the bath house was Usher, the R&B singer. After the both of us were clothed, we next found ourselves at the train station. We were walking around and waiting for the right train to take us to a club downtown. Once the right one came along, we hopped onboard and proceeded to have a dance off. Usher started dancing over on one side, but he was mainly doing a teeny-bopper dance routine, and I busted out in hip hop. In the middle of my routine, this one black girl right next to me started eyeing me, wanting to talk. Once I finished, I sat down with her, and she was saying how his dance was more like pop, like Monica, which led me to agree with her, that the dance was like something Brandy "Sitting in my room" would dance to. Then she started laughing out loud, even though the joke wasn't that funny. The more we started talking, I began to notice that there was an alcoholic drink in her hand- the train was slowly merging into a club.
-This either happened before or during the train/club event: I was thinking about green housing and managed to walk by my Animal Physiology professor's place, which had these openings along the side of the house, which was designed to appear almost like an aquarium if you stood back a certain distance. If you walked along a sidewalk, peering in, it would seem as if fish were swimming throughout the house. Anyway, I was distracted by his house along my way somewhere.-
Back to the club. This girl and I were chatting, and she introduced herself as Vanessa. During conversation, she finally remembered that she had met me some place before. She said that we first met at an Italian restaurant, Ventimilio's. She was joking around with me about how her friends were trying really hard to get the two of us to hook up, and I started laughing at that thought. But during the laughter, her hand was running up and down my thigh, which was very distracting when trying to simply talk to someone. Her gaze then looked like a tiger eyeing its prey. Not sure if we made out- I instinctively woke up to not let anything further happen.
So I guess I either really want to dance, or I really want to bang a black chick.
Happy Halloween?
fabuleaux destin
And the results:

He lives to see another day.
As much as I like the current weather, it gets cumbersome when one has to take public transportation across the city, waiting at bus stops while the rain pours down on you, while sea gulls try to crap on you.
I was waiting at one intersection, and these sea gulls were flying in circles in the air above me. There was one that shat in midair, and I saw it fall all. the way. down. Luckily it landed in the middle of the intersection, but it also started drizzling, so when some liquid hit my mouth, I wasn't sure whether it was water, or bird shit.
Forget what I said in a previous post about being in love. I like my lab mates at most, for now. "Even artichokes have hearts." Where did mine go?
"If you let this chance go by, eventually, your heart will become as dry and brittle as my skeleton."
It's almost Halloween, except memories that don't belong to me are being raised from the dead. I was walking up the sidewalk after class, the weather cold and windy, and something triggered this memory of Drab "dressing up" as a geek last Halloween, dragging his keyboard all over town, and meeting someone on the bus who was singing "Tiny Dancer." Definitely NOT the way I celebrated the holiday in the past year.
He lives to see another day.
As much as I like the current weather, it gets cumbersome when one has to take public transportation across the city, waiting at bus stops while the rain pours down on you, while sea gulls try to crap on you.
I was waiting at one intersection, and these sea gulls were flying in circles in the air above me. There was one that shat in midair, and I saw it fall all. the way. down. Luckily it landed in the middle of the intersection, but it also started drizzling, so when some liquid hit my mouth, I wasn't sure whether it was water, or bird shit.
Forget what I said in a previous post about being in love. I like my lab mates at most, for now. "Even artichokes have hearts." Where did mine go?
"If you let this chance go by, eventually, your heart will become as dry and brittle as my skeleton."
It's almost Halloween, except memories that don't belong to me are being raised from the dead. I was walking up the sidewalk after class, the weather cold and windy, and something triggered this memory of Drab "dressing up" as a geek last Halloween, dragging his keyboard all over town, and meeting someone on the bus who was singing "Tiny Dancer." Definitely NOT the way I celebrated the holiday in the past year.
unsterbliche geliebte
Clare: I'm not angry at the world. Merely critically observant. I don't know whether you're yay-ing to my new layout or something that I wrote in the entry.
B-米: I think I was watching this one anime on Hulu, and the women's clothes were always getting ripped off. Men AND women were both grabbing at women's breasts while at the same time fondling them down there, with these weird clear juices coming out of their nest. So I wiki-ed the show. Ikki Tosen was the name?
Janey: mouse killing... I haven't done it yet. I'll let you know after tomorrow!
Another test, another day at school. Something's feeling weird in the air, and I finally figured out what it is: flu season! Everybody's coughing and getting sick, and I have to be stuck in cooped up spaces containing people with weak immune systems. On a positive note, it's finally getting foggy and cold in SF, the way I like my city.
Someone's license plate read "SFBAYRE."
Decided to attend Carl's Jr.'s birthday gathering. Don't know what to get him, though...
Woke up early in the morning to finish studying for my molecular genetics exam, when outside my window I see this "miracle" (What's the word they call these weird events, where some people may "see" religious meaning in the meaningless, like crap smeared on the wall that might look like the Virgin Mary?):

Now, let's play a game. Considering the odd things that happen around me, do you think this man is willing to die by the cross? (Assuming he has a choice in the matter.)

You'll have to wait until tomorrow when I post the results.
Is it safe to look at the sun and not damage your eyes when it's covered by clouds like this?

Symmetrical motion:

Sure it may look like a broken sprinkler, but I see component vectors: vsin(theta) and vcos(theta). Horizontal velocity is constant, assuming no air resistance. The time it takes to reach the peak is the same amount of time it takes to fall down the same distance. Physics portion of the MCAT. Blah.
Dissections tomorrow!!!
Clare: I'm not angry at the world. Merely critically observant. I don't know whether you're yay-ing to my new layout or something that I wrote in the entry.
B-米: I think I was watching this one anime on Hulu, and the women's clothes were always getting ripped off. Men AND women were both grabbing at women's breasts while at the same time fondling them down there, with these weird clear juices coming out of their nest. So I wiki-ed the show. Ikki Tosen was the name?
Janey: mouse killing... I haven't done it yet. I'll let you know after tomorrow!
Another test, another day at school. Something's feeling weird in the air, and I finally figured out what it is: flu season! Everybody's coughing and getting sick, and I have to be stuck in cooped up spaces containing people with weak immune systems. On a positive note, it's finally getting foggy and cold in SF, the way I like my city.
Someone's license plate read "SFBAYRE."
Decided to attend Carl's Jr.'s birthday gathering. Don't know what to get him, though...
Woke up early in the morning to finish studying for my molecular genetics exam, when outside my window I see this "miracle" (What's the word they call these weird events, where some people may "see" religious meaning in the meaningless, like crap smeared on the wall that might look like the Virgin Mary?):
Now, let's play a game. Considering the odd things that happen around me, do you think this man is willing to die by the cross? (Assuming he has a choice in the matter.)
You'll have to wait until tomorrow when I post the results.
Is it safe to look at the sun and not damage your eyes when it's covered by clouds like this?
Symmetrical motion:
Sure it may look like a broken sprinkler, but I see component vectors: vsin(theta) and vcos(theta). Horizontal velocity is constant, assuming no air resistance. The time it takes to reach the peak is the same amount of time it takes to fall down the same distance. Physics portion of the MCAT. Blah.
Dissections tomorrow!!!
tennessee pusher
I think I'm in love. With my lab group. "Isn't it amazing a man like me can feel this way?" Lunch will be provided on the boat! We're sailing off in the morning. Sausalito!
I got to see mouse dissections today! The way he killed the adult mouse was exactly the way Janey described it to me, at least the way she did it back in the day. I think she uses CO2 now. Hold the tail, let the mouse cling onto the cage, pull the tail and push against the neck to snap apart the skull from the spinal cord. And then CUT, off plops the head after using scissors, like cutting paper. Snip.
Next were the mice pups. My lab manager had labeled their backs with numbers, so they looked like tiny toy race cars. Whose heads were about to be cut off. OH HO HO, and the brain dissections. I started thinking about congealed pig's blood after a while.
These teens on the bus were talking about how one of their guy friends is too fat. Live observation of the development of anorexia in teenage guys.

Pumpkins! A lot of children were playing in the pumpkin patch this morning.

ID this species of bird, please.
I got to see mouse dissections today! The way he killed the adult mouse was exactly the way Janey described it to me, at least the way she did it back in the day. I think she uses CO2 now. Hold the tail, let the mouse cling onto the cage, pull the tail and push against the neck to snap apart the skull from the spinal cord. And then CUT, off plops the head after using scissors, like cutting paper. Snip.
Next were the mice pups. My lab manager had labeled their backs with numbers, so they looked like tiny toy race cars. Whose heads were about to be cut off. OH HO HO, and the brain dissections. I started thinking about congealed pig's blood after a while.
These teens on the bus were talking about how one of their guy friends is too fat. Live observation of the development of anorexia in teenage guys.
Pumpkins! A lot of children were playing in the pumpkin patch this morning.
ID this species of bird, please.
SO Happy today! Hormonal imbalance. Blogging before I hit the sack. Exhausted.
My PI asked me what I was doing for Veteran's Day, and so without thinking, I said that I think I get a day off. So then he was suggesting that for our first lab outing, we go out on his sailboat that day. Running simulations in my head, I came up with two highly probable outcomes: it could go bad/extremely awkward, or it could be pleasant. Why would it be awkward? Because everybody's bringing their fiance or friend, meaning everybody will be paired up, leaving the cheese to stand alone again. Janey suggested that I drag Drab along. YEAH... OKAY... drink a bit of crazy today??
At McDonald's the other day, this one child, around 2 or 3 years old, shouted,"I wanna be a man!"
At Borders, I was walking over to the reference section and glanced at the tarot collection. There was actually a set that was called Tarot Gay. Can someone explain to me what exactly makes a gay tarot deck distinct from regular "straight" tarot cards?
Over the weekend, this old white man being pushed in a wheelchair shouted at me from a distance,"Hello, sir! How are you today?" Haha. I told him I was fine and then asked how he was, but he didn't respond. I guess he couldn't hear me?

Here he is, kind of. He's behind the black lady. She was nice too.
The teenage girls in SF carry their tennis rackets around in their purses when commuting. Fashion before practicality.
Coming back home from school, I was sitting at the back of the bus, and this girl was complaining to someone on the phone about her boyfriend. Me being forced to listen to girls complain about their boyfriend: story of my life.

Haven't seen this font on a stop sign before. Which font is it??

People actually playing cricket on that nice Sunday not too long ago. Wait, that was yesterday.

People still fly the old flag.

Purple flowers for Ray.

I think these are the same as the one above?
My PI asked me what I was doing for Veteran's Day, and so without thinking, I said that I think I get a day off. So then he was suggesting that for our first lab outing, we go out on his sailboat that day. Running simulations in my head, I came up with two highly probable outcomes: it could go bad/extremely awkward, or it could be pleasant. Why would it be awkward? Because everybody's bringing their fiance or friend, meaning everybody will be paired up, leaving the cheese to stand alone again. Janey suggested that I drag Drab along. YEAH... OKAY... drink a bit of crazy today??
At McDonald's the other day, this one child, around 2 or 3 years old, shouted,"I wanna be a man!"
At Borders, I was walking over to the reference section and glanced at the tarot collection. There was actually a set that was called Tarot Gay. Can someone explain to me what exactly makes a gay tarot deck distinct from regular "straight" tarot cards?
Over the weekend, this old white man being pushed in a wheelchair shouted at me from a distance,"Hello, sir! How are you today?" Haha. I told him I was fine and then asked how he was, but he didn't respond. I guess he couldn't hear me?
Here he is, kind of. He's behind the black lady. She was nice too.
The teenage girls in SF carry their tennis rackets around in their purses when commuting. Fashion before practicality.
Coming back home from school, I was sitting at the back of the bus, and this girl was complaining to someone on the phone about her boyfriend. Me being forced to listen to girls complain about their boyfriend: story of my life.
Haven't seen this font on a stop sign before. Which font is it??
People actually playing cricket on that nice Sunday not too long ago. Wait, that was yesterday.
People still fly the old flag.
Purple flowers for Ray.
I think these are the same as the one above?
If it's not a dream about Drab, but a dream about lab.
My PI was showing me how to do a VERY simple procedure: draw liquid from a sealed flask. So I started aspirating the container, but during that time, my pipette came out of the liquid. Then my PI started shouting at me, telling me how useless I was, and I started crying. Then I was transported to inside the Kingdom Hearts videogame, where I was killing the black heartless with my keyblade, trying to collect as many of the green munnies as possible.
I had a couple intersecting dreams last night as well...
I walked over to this old couple's house, who then gave me two of their dogs to take care of for them. One was a brown spaniel(?), and the other was a white pug. Somehow the brown one disappeared from my dream, and I was pretty much walking this pug around without a leash. Very obedient. Before having to return them, we waded through a plot of grass that was muddy, and once we got to the sidewalk, we ran into none other than Krazy Katie. I try to walk by her with my head down, hoping that she wouldn't recognize me, but from her mouth came the words,"Long time no see." There wasn't anything else I could do except greet her. She was asking me what I was doing in SF, and I was telling her I had a rough time with grades during college due to unfortunate circumstances. Then she said,"Oh, right..." in a mocking tone, which led me to start yelling at her about what actually happened to me. Only then did she feel sorry and walked with me to the old neighbors' house, where the pug made muddy paw prints all over their carpet. We were talking, and suddenly she kissed me, just a peck. Awkward. A few minutes later, she tried to plant one right on the smacker. So I guess I kissed back? The issue, though, was that she was just sitting there with her mouth open, not doing anything. I know I haven't kissed in a loooooong time, but something else should be happening, right? At that point I tried moving my mouth- she was still, well, STILL. Ok, different approach: tongue. It was like digging into an empty cavern, nothing there. So there I sat, in an extremely uncomfortable position on the couch, with Krazy Katie kissing like a dead goldfish.
Okay, have to eat before going to lab, and then restock my fridge. Toodle-loo.
My PI was showing me how to do a VERY simple procedure: draw liquid from a sealed flask. So I started aspirating the container, but during that time, my pipette came out of the liquid. Then my PI started shouting at me, telling me how useless I was, and I started crying. Then I was transported to inside the Kingdom Hearts videogame, where I was killing the black heartless with my keyblade, trying to collect as many of the green munnies as possible.
I had a couple intersecting dreams last night as well...
I walked over to this old couple's house, who then gave me two of their dogs to take care of for them. One was a brown spaniel(?), and the other was a white pug. Somehow the brown one disappeared from my dream, and I was pretty much walking this pug around without a leash. Very obedient. Before having to return them, we waded through a plot of grass that was muddy, and once we got to the sidewalk, we ran into none other than Krazy Katie. I try to walk by her with my head down, hoping that she wouldn't recognize me, but from her mouth came the words,"Long time no see." There wasn't anything else I could do except greet her. She was asking me what I was doing in SF, and I was telling her I had a rough time with grades during college due to unfortunate circumstances. Then she said,"Oh, right..." in a mocking tone, which led me to start yelling at her about what actually happened to me. Only then did she feel sorry and walked with me to the old neighbors' house, where the pug made muddy paw prints all over their carpet. We were talking, and suddenly she kissed me, just a peck. Awkward. A few minutes later, she tried to plant one right on the smacker. So I guess I kissed back? The issue, though, was that she was just sitting there with her mouth open, not doing anything. I know I haven't kissed in a loooooong time, but something else should be happening, right? At that point I tried moving my mouth- she was still, well, STILL. Ok, different approach: tongue. It was like digging into an empty cavern, nothing there. So there I sat, in an extremely uncomfortable position on the couch, with Krazy Katie kissing like a dead goldfish.
Okay, have to eat before going to lab, and then restock my fridge. Toodle-loo.
impression sunrise
The woman next to me on the bus this morning smelled like BBQ pork. She was on the bus with me for half an hour. STILL smelled like dim sum when I left.
Finished meeting all of the people in the lab next to me. The labs with the Asian people don't seem to be too friendly, except for that Tiffany girl.
Waiting at the bus stop after leaving lab, to get across town back to campus:

A dog peed in this spot before having taken this picture (above). Then I wondered what the odds were of a dog peeing in this spot (below):

The black bus driver was so nice today! My reference for nice black people is that one guy in the Dallas Cowboys jacket who pointed a gun at my mom in the '90s. Better to have low standards. I sound so old, talking about things happening only a decade ago. Oh right, how he said his farewells to people leaving the bus: "Have a nice day. Enjoy the hot weather. Have a tall cold one." I could use a tall cold one...
More approval from the PI. JOY! RNA isolation yielded much much more than had been expected, so I must be doing things right again. Only issue was that I directly put the eluted sample into the UV spec, which is a no no since the sample is too saturated and therefore unreadable. So we diluted it, and things turned out fine. My PI also started taking pictures of me because he had a talk recently. I guess PI's acknowledges their lab people at the end of the powerpoint. He listed me as a member of his lab, except he didn't have a picture of me. One thought that came to mind when he was flashing that camera was "Dear lord, I hope Drab never attends any of the presentations at UCSF by my PI." It would be so embarrassing to have a huge picture of me flash across the screen at the end of ANY talk, only to be recognized by someone in the audience.
Bus ride back to campus. This one weird Asian guy got on the bus and started talking poorly in Chinese, with that American inflection, i.e., atonal, to an elderly woman, recruiting her to join some cult. Like church or something. His name? Elder Eng was on his name tag. Reminded me of Elle, not just the last name, but the not so well-spoken Mandarin.
After coming back from class and ordering Vietnamese sandwiches in my former favorite shop, some Asian punk teenagers were lounging around the place. Apparently one of them clogged the toilet in the store. One girl tried to use it, but came back out saying that blood was in the toilet water. When she tried to flush it, the water started pouring out of the toilet, flooding the entire floor. The Asians were also yelling at each other outside for no good reason, and one of them said,"Suck mah green tea, nigga!" What does that even mean?! What part of the body could even remotely resembles green tea?! Then some black lady cleaning the sidewalk came along. NO utterance of the N-word out of any of them.
How many products has Billy Mays endorsed up to now? In that same Vietnamese sandwich shop, I saw him talking about this substance that can glue back together torn pants and other items of clothing. Wasn't there another one about lime-be-gone, and the sticky tac that you can mash up that could be an insanely strong adhesive?
Oh, should say this finally before the clock strikes 12. Happy Bday, Ray Ray. I was going to take a picture of the purple flowers on campus for her. Maybe tomorrow, when I'm back at the Borders again. Time for bed, waking up early on a Saturday. Perhaps I'll pay my lab mate a visit tomorrow.
Finished meeting all of the people in the lab next to me. The labs with the Asian people don't seem to be too friendly, except for that Tiffany girl.
Waiting at the bus stop after leaving lab, to get across town back to campus:
A dog peed in this spot before having taken this picture (above). Then I wondered what the odds were of a dog peeing in this spot (below):
The black bus driver was so nice today! My reference for nice black people is that one guy in the Dallas Cowboys jacket who pointed a gun at my mom in the '90s. Better to have low standards. I sound so old, talking about things happening only a decade ago. Oh right, how he said his farewells to people leaving the bus: "Have a nice day. Enjoy the hot weather. Have a tall cold one." I could use a tall cold one...
More approval from the PI. JOY! RNA isolation yielded much much more than had been expected, so I must be doing things right again. Only issue was that I directly put the eluted sample into the UV spec, which is a no no since the sample is too saturated and therefore unreadable. So we diluted it, and things turned out fine. My PI also started taking pictures of me because he had a talk recently. I guess PI's acknowledges their lab people at the end of the powerpoint. He listed me as a member of his lab, except he didn't have a picture of me. One thought that came to mind when he was flashing that camera was "Dear lord, I hope Drab never attends any of the presentations at UCSF by my PI." It would be so embarrassing to have a huge picture of me flash across the screen at the end of ANY talk, only to be recognized by someone in the audience.
Bus ride back to campus. This one weird Asian guy got on the bus and started talking poorly in Chinese, with that American inflection, i.e., atonal, to an elderly woman, recruiting her to join some cult. Like church or something. His name? Elder Eng was on his name tag. Reminded me of Elle, not just the last name, but the not so well-spoken Mandarin.
After coming back from class and ordering Vietnamese sandwiches in my former favorite shop, some Asian punk teenagers were lounging around the place. Apparently one of them clogged the toilet in the store. One girl tried to use it, but came back out saying that blood was in the toilet water. When she tried to flush it, the water started pouring out of the toilet, flooding the entire floor. The Asians were also yelling at each other outside for no good reason, and one of them said,"Suck mah green tea, nigga!" What does that even mean?! What part of the body could even remotely resembles green tea?! Then some black lady cleaning the sidewalk came along. NO utterance of the N-word out of any of them.
How many products has Billy Mays endorsed up to now? In that same Vietnamese sandwich shop, I saw him talking about this substance that can glue back together torn pants and other items of clothing. Wasn't there another one about lime-be-gone, and the sticky tac that you can mash up that could be an insanely strong adhesive?
Oh, should say this finally before the clock strikes 12. Happy Bday, Ray Ray. I was going to take a picture of the purple flowers on campus for her. Maybe tomorrow, when I'm back at the Borders again. Time for bed, waking up early on a Saturday. Perhaps I'll pay my lab mate a visit tomorrow.
I keep forgetting to turn in my registration form for absentee voting. I think I'm also addicted to the ethanol fumes whenever I clean up in lab. Drunk off alcohol vapors. Even my tolerance has hit a terrible recession.
Didn't notice how out of touch I was with the world until I saw ads for the opening of the new California Academy of Sciences (which happened LAST month) and a poster for the 5th Saw movie. Whatever happened to Saw IV??
I also forgot that there was air conditioning on the Muni lines! Today I had to go to the Cancer Center north of Castro at Divisadero, so I boarded the M line since it was right next to campus. What a relief.
Well, first I took the line to Castro, then transferred onto the 24. Built, buff gay men, taking care of their bodies moreso than their heterosexual counterparts. Surprise surprise. Anyway, I was on the 24 line and finally headed up to Sutter, where UCSF's Mt. Zion campus was located. Since I was there half an hour early before the scheduled consultation, I decided to try out this sandwich shop right next to the medical center. Chicken pesto with melted swiss on ciabatta bread. All the medical workers were coming in and out of this place- NEVER trust medical employees when it comes to food. They're just looking for a quick bite. Still, it was overpriced, but the sandwich actually tasted better after leaving it in my backpack until after the meeting was finished.
I got lost again, so I was 10 minutes late to the meeting, keeping the biostatistician and my PI waiting. Ughhhhh. Well first off, I looked at a map, and based off that map, I should have gone right to reach the appropriate building. Went over, found nothing. OH, but I did find this homeless guy pushing a cart around looking inside a trashcan. I was eating my sandwich while walking past him when he asked, "Can I have a bite?" You know me, my usual response was that I chuckled at him. Then he responded,"Why are you laughing? I'm serious." I kept on walking, having 10 minutes until the meeting. I walk into one building and decide to go up to the second floor. There I was running around trying to find room N224, but there were only 4 letters preceding room numbers in the entire building: A, B, R, or Z. Who came up with that crazy scheme?! Saw a breast clinic, radiology department, oncology floor, and finally asked a woman on the second floor where that room might have been. She didn't know, so I went back downstairs and asked security at the main entrance. They didn't know. Finally my PI called, and he told me I was in the wrong building. UGH!!!!
So I was walking up and down Sutter again, trying to find 2340. All of them had maps places on TWO side of the buildings, which pointed me eastward when facing the map, and all of the other buildings had their street numbers aligned above eye level. Where did this building have their numbers located? Right next to the ground where the wall meets the sidewalk! Also, there was NO sign whatsoever to the front of the building indicating "Comprehensive Cancer Center." There were just glass windows covering the front face of the building, squeezed between two others WITH NAMES on them!
After the meeting, my PI offered to give me a car ride. Inside my head I was squirming but just recommended that he drop me off at Park Presidio, since I could just get back to campus that way without having him drive too far from his workplace. Car conversation, not too awkward this time, although his wife's car seats were funny in that they were covered with this furry type of material. It was a used car they purchased from someone else in LA. We talked about Halloween, Texas, medicine.

My bus ride back to campus. Ideal, in that there were few people on the bus.
I also had about an hour before a seminar on molecular motors/kinesin started, so I walked into Borders, did my usual comic book reading, in the children's section because all the chairs were filled. I ended up sitting on these tiny seats with enough space for 8x8 square inches of ass. Walked past the board games too. Catan sounded familiar, but there were puzzles and new games that I wanted to try. And THEN I overheard this conversation between two 8 to 10-year-old girls: "Oh my god, Barack Obama! McCain paper dolls, awesome!"
There were books, about the presidential hopefuls, written for children. Even if they can't vote, does anybody else see anything wrong with that? I actually read both books on McCain and Obama. McCain's talked about the Vietnam War, divorcing his wife, etc. Barack's talked about his fathers, grandparents, Hawaii, Michelle, civil rights, law school. The paper dolls... you could dress up John McCain in a business suit, a cowboy getup, whatever your heart desires on a septuagenarian. Apparently kids like doing that, otherwise why would book companies be targeting that demographic?
Didn't notice how out of touch I was with the world until I saw ads for the opening of the new California Academy of Sciences (which happened LAST month) and a poster for the 5th Saw movie. Whatever happened to Saw IV??
I also forgot that there was air conditioning on the Muni lines! Today I had to go to the Cancer Center north of Castro at Divisadero, so I boarded the M line since it was right next to campus. What a relief.
Well, first I took the line to Castro, then transferred onto the 24. Built, buff gay men, taking care of their bodies moreso than their heterosexual counterparts. Surprise surprise. Anyway, I was on the 24 line and finally headed up to Sutter, where UCSF's Mt. Zion campus was located. Since I was there half an hour early before the scheduled consultation, I decided to try out this sandwich shop right next to the medical center. Chicken pesto with melted swiss on ciabatta bread. All the medical workers were coming in and out of this place- NEVER trust medical employees when it comes to food. They're just looking for a quick bite. Still, it was overpriced, but the sandwich actually tasted better after leaving it in my backpack until after the meeting was finished.
I got lost again, so I was 10 minutes late to the meeting, keeping the biostatistician and my PI waiting. Ughhhhh. Well first off, I looked at a map, and based off that map, I should have gone right to reach the appropriate building. Went over, found nothing. OH, but I did find this homeless guy pushing a cart around looking inside a trashcan. I was eating my sandwich while walking past him when he asked, "Can I have a bite?" You know me, my usual response was that I chuckled at him. Then he responded,"Why are you laughing? I'm serious." I kept on walking, having 10 minutes until the meeting. I walk into one building and decide to go up to the second floor. There I was running around trying to find room N224, but there were only 4 letters preceding room numbers in the entire building: A, B, R, or Z. Who came up with that crazy scheme?! Saw a breast clinic, radiology department, oncology floor, and finally asked a woman on the second floor where that room might have been. She didn't know, so I went back downstairs and asked security at the main entrance. They didn't know. Finally my PI called, and he told me I was in the wrong building. UGH!!!!
So I was walking up and down Sutter again, trying to find 2340. All of them had maps places on TWO side of the buildings, which pointed me eastward when facing the map, and all of the other buildings had their street numbers aligned above eye level. Where did this building have their numbers located? Right next to the ground where the wall meets the sidewalk! Also, there was NO sign whatsoever to the front of the building indicating "Comprehensive Cancer Center." There were just glass windows covering the front face of the building, squeezed between two others WITH NAMES on them!
After the meeting, my PI offered to give me a car ride. Inside my head I was squirming but just recommended that he drop me off at Park Presidio, since I could just get back to campus that way without having him drive too far from his workplace. Car conversation, not too awkward this time, although his wife's car seats were funny in that they were covered with this furry type of material. It was a used car they purchased from someone else in LA. We talked about Halloween, Texas, medicine.
My bus ride back to campus. Ideal, in that there were few people on the bus.
I also had about an hour before a seminar on molecular motors/kinesin started, so I walked into Borders, did my usual comic book reading, in the children's section because all the chairs were filled. I ended up sitting on these tiny seats with enough space for 8x8 square inches of ass. Walked past the board games too. Catan sounded familiar, but there were puzzles and new games that I wanted to try. And THEN I overheard this conversation between two 8 to 10-year-old girls: "Oh my god, Barack Obama! McCain paper dolls, awesome!"
There were books, about the presidential hopefuls, written for children. Even if they can't vote, does anybody else see anything wrong with that? I actually read both books on McCain and Obama. McCain's talked about the Vietnam War, divorcing his wife, etc. Barack's talked about his fathers, grandparents, Hawaii, Michelle, civil rights, law school. The paper dolls... you could dress up John McCain in a business suit, a cowboy getup, whatever your heart desires on a septuagenarian. Apparently kids like doing that, otherwise why would book companies be targeting that demographic?
My new nickname for Sophbox.
UGH, why is SF so hot this time of year?! You ever live in a city where it's so hot, and there's no air conditioner in the apartment, so you open the window to aerate your unmentionables? Yeah, that's me, lying in bed, circulating air around where the sun don't shine.
That slut face Janey keeps calling me while I'm in class, and when I return her calls NEVER bothers to answer her phone!
So I had to take a #2 on campus. What else is there to do while waiting than to look around you in the bathroom stall. There was your standard graffiti, anti-gay comments, and this:

When fond childhood memories of Pacman meet the cold harsh reality of life.
In OTHER news, made some more friends at school and at lab. I got invited to go trick-or-treating/dress up for Halloween with a few folks. What irritated me more was that I felt a bit giddy about such a proposition. Ugh what's wrong with me. Maybe people start seeking out new friends when their old ones aren't available. One of the people I "befriended" was a slightly more flamboyant version of Hesse. Yeah... it's possible.
In the fourth episode of the fifth season, House actually smiled when he woke up to find his estranged best friend driving the car. Very eerie. And then they get into oodles of fun, or trouble, depending on your perspective. And they make up in the end. Hmm.
UGH, why is SF so hot this time of year?! You ever live in a city where it's so hot, and there's no air conditioner in the apartment, so you open the window to aerate your unmentionables? Yeah, that's me, lying in bed, circulating air around where the sun don't shine.
That slut face Janey keeps calling me while I'm in class, and when I return her calls NEVER bothers to answer her phone!
So I had to take a #2 on campus. What else is there to do while waiting than to look around you in the bathroom stall. There was your standard graffiti, anti-gay comments, and this:
When fond childhood memories of Pacman meet the cold harsh reality of life.
In OTHER news, made some more friends at school and at lab. I got invited to go trick-or-treating/dress up for Halloween with a few folks. What irritated me more was that I felt a bit giddy about such a proposition. Ugh what's wrong with me. Maybe people start seeking out new friends when their old ones aren't available. One of the people I "befriended" was a slightly more flamboyant version of Hesse. Yeah... it's possible.
In the fourth episode of the fifth season, House actually smiled when he woke up to find his estranged best friend driving the car. Very eerie. And then they get into oodles of fun, or trouble, depending on your perspective. And they make up in the end. Hmm.
jourdain's paradox
Right after class, I was waiting at the bus stop, except there was no bus driver inside. I decided to take a walk to get some fast food, any kind of lunch, before heading to lab. Right as I crossed the street, to the right of me was this honk, a screech, and then a crash. Like I've said before, bad luck circles around me.
It was an Asian and white guy, except the front bumper of the Asian guy's car seemed to be dragging around the ground as he drove the car into the parking lot so that both of them could exchange information.

Took this while waiting at the bus stop, after having gotten my food.

As close up a view that I could get before noticing that the bus driver had started the engine, so I had to get on board before the bus left.

Simple eye wash station in my lab. All you have to do, in case of emergency, is to pull that thing down, and water starts shooting into your eyes. Who could provide such service, you ask?

Upon discovering the name, I have decided that I would rather lose my eyesight than have to see this eyesore once the water restores my vision.
So I added 10 times the desired amount than necessary during RNA isolation today. UGH. 10 times the amount of anything would probably kill the patient in the hospital.
Waiting at the bus stop to go home, I turn around and see this in the dirt.

Spoooooooky. Isn't the 5-starred pentacle a Pagan symbol? Paganism and murder- how can the two relate... So far the only things that have popped up are news clippings about women in the U.K. attempting to murder or having successfully murdered their lovers/husbands who were planning to leave them for someone else.
It was an Asian and white guy, except the front bumper of the Asian guy's car seemed to be dragging around the ground as he drove the car into the parking lot so that both of them could exchange information.
Took this while waiting at the bus stop, after having gotten my food.
As close up a view that I could get before noticing that the bus driver had started the engine, so I had to get on board before the bus left.
Simple eye wash station in my lab. All you have to do, in case of emergency, is to pull that thing down, and water starts shooting into your eyes. Who could provide such service, you ask?
Upon discovering the name, I have decided that I would rather lose my eyesight than have to see this eyesore once the water restores my vision.
So I added 10 times the desired amount than necessary during RNA isolation today. UGH. 10 times the amount of anything would probably kill the patient in the hospital.
Waiting at the bus stop to go home, I turn around and see this in the dirt.
Spoooooooky. Isn't the 5-starred pentacle a Pagan symbol? Paganism and murder- how can the two relate... So far the only things that have popped up are news clippings about women in the U.K. attempting to murder or having successfully murdered their lovers/husbands who were planning to leave them for someone else.
Epimenedes paradox
Today, a sea bird with a 4-foot wing span almost flew right into me before gliding upward 5 feet before reaching me.
I wsa also walking down the sidewalk up 19th Ave., trying to conjure up images of people I know. The problem is that now, I don't feel anything for anyone. Not even hate or extreme disdain. Just neutral. What's better, to be able to feel something, even if it's negative, or to feel nothing at all?
So THAT's why white asparagus is white. Too mild for me. I tend to purchase my meat in bulk now and freeze them in individual zip-lock bags. Two weeks ago it was chicken breast at 99 cents/pound. This week it's chicken thighs at 99 cents/pound. What's beef priced at right now, 3/4/5 dollars/pound? I think I bought ground beef a month ago for 99 cents/pound- going to mix that with tofu and eggplant tonight.
My recent conclusion about people who go to science grad school are the ones that ask questions to seek the truth. And to seek approval from others.
My PI's happy with my progress in lab. I'm guessing it's because he planned on us analyzing data in November, but it seems like we'll be able to start soon, so results might appear a month earlier. How else do I get rewarded? By being assigned to read a grant proposal.
I don't know HOW you people deal with these. I've only barely gotten used to reading condensed scientific articles from journals, and all of a sudden a 25 page novel, detailing the gazillion projects expected to be performed over next 3 years, is thrust into my face.
Other concerns... stem cells. Trying to see the changes in stem cells with the naked eye is like reading a scientific "Where's Waldo?"
Nilk signed up for the same workshop that I did last month for SfN. He's going to be with me now at the workshop on teaching dance to Parkinson's patients. SUPPOSEDLY he throws PD herky jerky parties ALL the time, and he's going to throw one at Janey's place. And she's worried about ME making her roommate feel uncomfortable...

Confession: these have been sitting atop the microwave near the elevator, and it doesn't seem like anybody goes through them. I've also never had them before, so I stole a few (two, to be exact). It would have been three today, but someone was running up the stairwell. I think people eat these with coffee because it's so BITTER!
My back hurts. I'm going to lie down, maybe do some homework. Oh right, will get back to you on SF hipster pix, B-米.
I wsa also walking down the sidewalk up 19th Ave., trying to conjure up images of people I know. The problem is that now, I don't feel anything for anyone. Not even hate or extreme disdain. Just neutral. What's better, to be able to feel something, even if it's negative, or to feel nothing at all?
So THAT's why white asparagus is white. Too mild for me. I tend to purchase my meat in bulk now and freeze them in individual zip-lock bags. Two weeks ago it was chicken breast at 99 cents/pound. This week it's chicken thighs at 99 cents/pound. What's beef priced at right now, 3/4/5 dollars/pound? I think I bought ground beef a month ago for 99 cents/pound- going to mix that with tofu and eggplant tonight.
My recent conclusion about people who go to science grad school are the ones that ask questions to seek the truth. And to seek approval from others.
My PI's happy with my progress in lab. I'm guessing it's because he planned on us analyzing data in November, but it seems like we'll be able to start soon, so results might appear a month earlier. How else do I get rewarded? By being assigned to read a grant proposal.
I don't know HOW you people deal with these. I've only barely gotten used to reading condensed scientific articles from journals, and all of a sudden a 25 page novel, detailing the gazillion projects expected to be performed over next 3 years, is thrust into my face.
Other concerns... stem cells. Trying to see the changes in stem cells with the naked eye is like reading a scientific "Where's Waldo?"
Nilk signed up for the same workshop that I did last month for SfN. He's going to be with me now at the workshop on teaching dance to Parkinson's patients. SUPPOSEDLY he throws PD herky jerky parties ALL the time, and he's going to throw one at Janey's place. And she's worried about ME making her roommate feel uncomfortable...
Confession: these have been sitting atop the microwave near the elevator, and it doesn't seem like anybody goes through them. I've also never had them before, so I stole a few (two, to be exact). It would have been three today, but someone was running up the stairwell. I think people eat these with coffee because it's so BITTER!
My back hurts. I'm going to lie down, maybe do some homework. Oh right, will get back to you on SF hipster pix, B-米.
Schuster's conundrum
A dog bit my leg today. There's NEVER a dull moment in the City.
Sitting at Mcdonald's this morning, there was a homeless guy nicely dressed in a grey suit and vest, except he kept touching his hands to his temples and moaning "MMMMMM..." At some point it looked like he was standing up at adjust his belt, except he grabbed his crotch instead. He also intermittently did some bends and exercises in the middle of the restaurant.
At the bus stop, a wandering senior came by and asked the senior citizen waiting at the benches with me for a cigarette. His reply was,"I roll my own... That's how I roll!" OH JEEZ.
Additionally, the old guy procuring a "roll" was talking about how he left his drug addict wife in 2003 from Michigan, which reminded me of Leigh-Ugh.
The larger bird feeds first, before any of the smaller ones come in to nab the crumbs.
Still getting random phone calls from Southerners on my cell phone. Today as I was walking down Geary, some fellow was asking for Sylvia. He reiterated the phone number that he was given, and I told him that it was the right phone number, but that he reached the wrong person. He responded with,"Ah'm so sorry about that. Thanks again, Ah' 'ppreciate it." Hmm, he must be related to B-米 somehow.
Rant for the day- the medical student in my lab forgot to turn off the microscope Friday night, so I came in Saturday morning to find it still on. Also, I came in Saturday morning to find a hemocytometer on the microscope stage, with dead red cells drying up under the glass slide. AND there was broken glass on the floor.
I think my inkjet printer's finally near its end, about to kick the bucket after 6 nice years.
Sitting at Mcdonald's this morning, there was a homeless guy nicely dressed in a grey suit and vest, except he kept touching his hands to his temples and moaning "MMMMMM..." At some point it looked like he was standing up at adjust his belt, except he grabbed his crotch instead. He also intermittently did some bends and exercises in the middle of the restaurant.
At the bus stop, a wandering senior came by and asked the senior citizen waiting at the benches with me for a cigarette. His reply was,"I roll my own... That's how I roll!" OH JEEZ.
Additionally, the old guy procuring a "roll" was talking about how he left his drug addict wife in 2003 from Michigan, which reminded me of Leigh-Ugh.
The larger bird feeds first, before any of the smaller ones come in to nab the crumbs.
Still getting random phone calls from Southerners on my cell phone. Today as I was walking down Geary, some fellow was asking for Sylvia. He reiterated the phone number that he was given, and I told him that it was the right phone number, but that he reached the wrong person. He responded with,"Ah'm so sorry about that. Thanks again, Ah' 'ppreciate it." Hmm, he must be related to B-米 somehow.
Rant for the day- the medical student in my lab forgot to turn off the microscope Friday night, so I came in Saturday morning to find it still on. Also, I came in Saturday morning to find a hemocytometer on the microscope stage, with dead red cells drying up under the glass slide. AND there was broken glass on the floor.
I think my inkjet printer's finally near its end, about to kick the bucket after 6 nice years.
jack of all trades
HAHA, I guess you've already adjusted to Japan by the way you're throwing out metric units like rappers spitting out mad rhymes.
Decided to log onto Facebook since I rarely do so anymore. Maybe Facebook will be a phase just as Xanga was for some people. This time, I caught Drab online at the same time, so I immediately logged off. Even though I've only talked to one person using that Facebook chat- one of my high school friend's little brothers- the probability of a random event occurs the more you put yourself in a situation. Applied to this instance, the possibility of someone initiating conversation increases the longer both stay on.

I think I tried to imitate someone restaurant's broccoli chicken, except I added too much oyster sauce.

As much as I enjoy wearing just underwear, I try to picture myself doing this in my own apartment, and... that's just not natural. Unless you were maybe Ling Xiaoyu from Tekken. Not even going to bother explaining that reference, just Wiki it, or buy the game.

So in case anybody didn't know, this is my kind of day. SO glad the fog and cloudy skies have come back to me. I went in to lab, and this is a picture of the view I get from one of my windows- a partial view of the ocean. Maybe I should post pictures of the inside of the lab?

The Jack of Hearts painted into the sidewalk, and me still wearing my 2+ year old shoes. Odd, since I bought three new pairs a while back during that lapse in judgment last month.

A SF hipster, for those who haven't seen one. This guy was particularly annoying because he was singing aloud in public at the bus stop, where I was not only waiting but also enduring hearing loss. He also tried to dance, but it turned out to be a lamer version of Dick Van Dyke's "Step in Time" from Mary Poppins.
I crossed paths with this white couple, both senior citizens, who had interlocked their index and middle fingers, a deviation from devious hand holding. It was actually kind of cute, and the old lady was nice enough to smile back at me when I walked past them.
Decided to log onto Facebook since I rarely do so anymore. Maybe Facebook will be a phase just as Xanga was for some people. This time, I caught Drab online at the same time, so I immediately logged off. Even though I've only talked to one person using that Facebook chat- one of my high school friend's little brothers- the probability of a random event occurs the more you put yourself in a situation. Applied to this instance, the possibility of someone initiating conversation increases the longer both stay on.
I think I tried to imitate someone restaurant's broccoli chicken, except I added too much oyster sauce.
As much as I enjoy wearing just underwear, I try to picture myself doing this in my own apartment, and... that's just not natural. Unless you were maybe Ling Xiaoyu from Tekken. Not even going to bother explaining that reference, just Wiki it, or buy the game.
So in case anybody didn't know, this is my kind of day. SO glad the fog and cloudy skies have come back to me. I went in to lab, and this is a picture of the view I get from one of my windows- a partial view of the ocean. Maybe I should post pictures of the inside of the lab?
The Jack of Hearts painted into the sidewalk, and me still wearing my 2+ year old shoes. Odd, since I bought three new pairs a while back during that lapse in judgment last month.
A SF hipster, for those who haven't seen one. This guy was particularly annoying because he was singing aloud in public at the bus stop, where I was not only waiting but also enduring hearing loss. He also tried to dance, but it turned out to be a lamer version of Dick Van Dyke's "Step in Time" from Mary Poppins.
I crossed paths with this white couple, both senior citizens, who had interlocked their index and middle fingers, a deviation from devious hand holding. It was actually kind of cute, and the old lady was nice enough to smile back at me when I walked past them.
My lips have been extremely chapped lately. At least it's more noticeable than when I see other people claiming to have chapped lips. I'm talking to my PI or lab manager, and when I have to go to the bathroom, I look in the mirror to see two lines of white, one emanating from the left corner of my mouth, the other from the right. It looks like I either drank milk or brushed my teeth and didn't bother to wipe my face.
This old Asian man on the bus was wearing a black cap with graffiti-style text on it that read "Big Boi." I should have asked him if he would offer it to me.
The old people around the hospital are extremely nice. This other old Asian man was taking up the entire sidewalk and didn't notice me coming, so I scooted towards the edge/curb so as not to mow him over. He excused HIMSELF without me needing to cue him for an apology!
Late for lab this morning, although I don't feel too bad since the med student was late and didn't even come back when I left around 1. The lab manager also didn't show up by the time I left. All of which means I got the entire lab to myself! I took pictures of my stem cells today, except I have NO idea what differentiating stem cells are supposed to look like between the 0th day and the 1st day. I got to play with the liquid nitrogen, but can't tell if I burned myself or not while handling it. Snap freeze!
All in all, learned about 4-5 new techniques in a week!
Apparently Safeway now has deals every Friday where they sell something for $5, whether it be fried chicken or fried chicken strips. This week, they were subs the size of my forearm plus hand. So I bought that instead of the Vietnamese sandwiches down the street. I also purchased the new flavors of yakisoba by Maruchan. There's roasted chicken, tomato & basil, and cheddar cheese! I'm getting the feeling that cheddar cheese yakisoba isn't a staple in Japanese cuisine.
80 degrees today. UNBEARABLE.
This old Asian man on the bus was wearing a black cap with graffiti-style text on it that read "Big Boi." I should have asked him if he would offer it to me.
The old people around the hospital are extremely nice. This other old Asian man was taking up the entire sidewalk and didn't notice me coming, so I scooted towards the edge/curb so as not to mow him over. He excused HIMSELF without me needing to cue him for an apology!
Late for lab this morning, although I don't feel too bad since the med student was late and didn't even come back when I left around 1. The lab manager also didn't show up by the time I left. All of which means I got the entire lab to myself! I took pictures of my stem cells today, except I have NO idea what differentiating stem cells are supposed to look like between the 0th day and the 1st day. I got to play with the liquid nitrogen, but can't tell if I burned myself or not while handling it. Snap freeze!
All in all, learned about 4-5 new techniques in a week!
Apparently Safeway now has deals every Friday where they sell something for $5, whether it be fried chicken or fried chicken strips. This week, they were subs the size of my forearm plus hand. So I bought that instead of the Vietnamese sandwiches down the street. I also purchased the new flavors of yakisoba by Maruchan. There's roasted chicken, tomato & basil, and cheddar cheese! I'm getting the feeling that cheddar cheese yakisoba isn't a staple in Japanese cuisine.
80 degrees today. UNBEARABLE.
Morton Gould
MAYBE I'm getting friendlier, B-米. I'll have to confirm this theory- maybe I should attend Carl's Jr.'s birthday dinner/party? It'll basically involve people that I've never met before or don't know so well.
Someone etched Tom Waits into one of the desks in class. The name sounds too familiar- maybe someone was talking to me about this person one time.
The temperature isn't dropping below 70F until Saturday. Blegh.
Ho HO! I didn't know that we had a tank full of liquid nitrogen in lab! Interesting seeing the gas fall onto the stone lab benches and condensing into tiny balls that roll along the surface. Maybe I'm just excited about research because I've seen more results within a week of work here than I did all year long at Rice. I've also taken more photos on the microscope in a week than I have on my digital camera since the day I purchased it. Sigh. Met Tiffany again- something dropped as she opened the refrigerator door today.
Talk about another ride of shame. My hate handles were jiggling again on the ride back home. So how did I deal with this? As soon as I got into my apartment, I started eating.
Something I would NOT prefer to see on the bus: an old Asian woman wearing bright yellow suede pants that bunched up into her ass crack. GROSS! Although this would have been a perfect moment to use my camera so that I could upload the picture onto my blog and share the joys of... old Asian ass.
The lady to the left of me was reading The Time Traveler's Wife, while the guy on my right was reading The Pathways to Peace.
Got an A in ONE of my first exams. A little reassuring that I'm finally able to study efficiently for tests. And how long did that take me to learn, 15 years?
Someone etched Tom Waits into one of the desks in class. The name sounds too familiar- maybe someone was talking to me about this person one time.
The temperature isn't dropping below 70F until Saturday. Blegh.
Ho HO! I didn't know that we had a tank full of liquid nitrogen in lab! Interesting seeing the gas fall onto the stone lab benches and condensing into tiny balls that roll along the surface. Maybe I'm just excited about research because I've seen more results within a week of work here than I did all year long at Rice. I've also taken more photos on the microscope in a week than I have on my digital camera since the day I purchased it. Sigh. Met Tiffany again- something dropped as she opened the refrigerator door today.
Talk about another ride of shame. My hate handles were jiggling again on the ride back home. So how did I deal with this? As soon as I got into my apartment, I started eating.
Something I would NOT prefer to see on the bus: an old Asian woman wearing bright yellow suede pants that bunched up into her ass crack. GROSS! Although this would have been a perfect moment to use my camera so that I could upload the picture onto my blog and share the joys of... old Asian ass.
The lady to the left of me was reading The Time Traveler's Wife, while the guy on my right was reading The Pathways to Peace.
Got an A in ONE of my first exams. A little reassuring that I'm finally able to study efficiently for tests. And how long did that take me to learn, 15 years?
So melamine could even be in your chocolate. Good thing I don't eat chocolate. Oh yeah, and ice cream, pudding, and Pizza Hut.
I think my nose has been bleeding a bit every day because of the stress from lab. These red particles that seem like dried blood are coming out.
Google Android? Anyone?
The record for virginity. A certain 105 year old lady claims it. Well, a blogger claims this, cited an article, but I'm too lazy to link you.
Finally caught up on sleep, but because I fell asleep at 6 in the afternoon, I'm now up at 3 in the morning. First thing I did was velvet my chicken. I guess now I could finish that problem set due by 11. Ugh, A-'s on my first exams. How disappointing.
Also at 3, people are still yelling outside. I'm guessing they were just hanging outside the bar after closing.
Oh yeah, don't go to bed by 6 unless you want to start dreaming about random friends and The Sound of Music. Leigh-Ugh and Lucia were there along with some friends from high school. So do you guys remember that part of the movie where they were singing ABC and 123? The first three notes just happen to be, etc. So everybody was harmonizing to that song, and we've reached the point where someone started with do mi mi. Next person, mi so so. next, re fa fa. Unfortunately, I had to sing the next line, but when I opened my mouth, I squawked the three notes," LA TI TI~~~!" which led to me rolling around on the floor in embarrassment while Leigh-Ugh started laughing in her usual hysterical manner.
Ugh, I KNOW, B-米! What's wrong with me?! Maybe I'm watching too many KPOP/JPOP music videos. How are things on your end??? Ready for the spotlight, ready for the show, hanging out with Big Bang?!
I think my nose has been bleeding a bit every day because of the stress from lab. These red particles that seem like dried blood are coming out.
Google Android? Anyone?
The record for virginity. A certain 105 year old lady claims it. Well, a blogger claims this, cited an article, but I'm too lazy to link you.
Finally caught up on sleep, but because I fell asleep at 6 in the afternoon, I'm now up at 3 in the morning. First thing I did was velvet my chicken. I guess now I could finish that problem set due by 11. Ugh, A-'s on my first exams. How disappointing.
Also at 3, people are still yelling outside. I'm guessing they were just hanging outside the bar after closing.
Oh yeah, don't go to bed by 6 unless you want to start dreaming about random friends and The Sound of Music. Leigh-Ugh and Lucia were there along with some friends from high school. So do you guys remember that part of the movie where they were singing ABC and 123? The first three notes just happen to be, etc. So everybody was harmonizing to that song, and we've reached the point where someone started with do mi mi. Next person, mi so so. next, re fa fa. Unfortunately, I had to sing the next line, but when I opened my mouth, I squawked the three notes," LA TI TI~~~!" which led to me rolling around on the floor in embarrassment while Leigh-Ugh started laughing in her usual hysterical manner.
Ugh, I KNOW, B-米! What's wrong with me?! Maybe I'm watching too many KPOP/JPOP music videos. How are things on your end??? Ready for the spotlight, ready for the show, hanging out with Big Bang?!
Hmm, news. What's up this time. Staying in lab until 7:30, then having to take an AWKWARD car ride back to my place because my PI offered me a ride. UGHHHH!!!! Why do these moments have to happen to me?!
Although he is helping me get in contact with people on the steering/admission committee of certain schools.
And my other coworker is going to let me go scrub in the OR sometime tomorrow! Not only that, but she's also inviting me to go to some county hospital with her and maybe get to work on some patients!
Hmm, what else. OH, I might be the first in my lab group to generate tons of data. AHHHH!!!! I think I'm just relieved because I'm finally doing something right in lab. Pretty quick turnaround, 1 week. The downside is that I'm SO exhausted and behind on homework.
Some blonde guy was shaking his hair in the desk in front of me during class. I covered my coffee cup so that his dandruff wouldn't land in my drink. Yet I still can't used to the taste of coffee.
Interesting story from the same class. My professor's uncle had failed his driving test so many times because he had such poor reflexes; he could never stop in time when the tester yelled, "Stop!" Supposedly back in the 40s or 50s in Minnesota, part of the driving test assessed your reflexes through that "quick stop." This guy never stopped in time when prompted by the examiner. Yet he was able to get his driver's license finally. What he did was put his TV in the car before the exam, and when asked to quick stop, he told the examiner that he couldn't because his TV might break if he stopped so suddenly.
Punk music: an attempt to make whining sound good.
Although he is helping me get in contact with people on the steering/admission committee of certain schools.
And my other coworker is going to let me go scrub in the OR sometime tomorrow! Not only that, but she's also inviting me to go to some county hospital with her and maybe get to work on some patients!
Hmm, what else. OH, I might be the first in my lab group to generate tons of data. AHHHH!!!! I think I'm just relieved because I'm finally doing something right in lab. Pretty quick turnaround, 1 week. The downside is that I'm SO exhausted and behind on homework.
Some blonde guy was shaking his hair in the desk in front of me during class. I covered my coffee cup so that his dandruff wouldn't land in my drink. Yet I still can't used to the taste of coffee.
Interesting story from the same class. My professor's uncle had failed his driving test so many times because he had such poor reflexes; he could never stop in time when the tester yelled, "Stop!" Supposedly back in the 40s or 50s in Minnesota, part of the driving test assessed your reflexes through that "quick stop." This guy never stopped in time when prompted by the examiner. Yet he was able to get his driver's license finally. What he did was put his TV in the car before the exam, and when asked to quick stop, he told the examiner that he couldn't because his TV might break if he stopped so suddenly.
Punk music: an attempt to make whining sound good.
fleur de lys
Have your nuts ever been slapped against a bus seat? Yeah, definitely not a joyride.
What a rough week. Can't believe I had to spend the weekend in lab. Although there was definitely less yelling today. My cells were alive, so I guess I didn't kill them with the procedure I concocted on the fly. My medical student coworker invited me to go on neurosurgery Grand Rounds with her!
One of the side effects of waking up early in the morning is having to deal with the elderly who wake up at that hour. Some guy was in the pharmacy asking me if I worked there, and if I knew when the clinic would open.
Another old guy was sitting on the bench waiting for the bus. He struck up a conversation with me. What I learned was that he used to be a bus driver in the 50s, and that every day feels like a Sunday to him. I reply,"Oh, so that must be relaxing." He says,"Yeah... it gets boring after a while." I don't know why I try to keep socializing, so I ask him,"What do you do in your free time then to not get bored?" He responds,"Writing my book, and walking my dogs." So I asked him if he were writing an autobiography or memoir. His reply: "Well sort of. The title of the book is 'Public Education: It Sucks!'" He's also getting his car next month, so he won't have to ride the bus anymore.
While working in the cell culture room, I noticed this semi-attractive Asian girl walking around in the same room. Then when I was under the hood, she walked over to my side to catch a glimpse of me. Being unusually nice again, I turned to face her and said, "Hi." She greeted back, telling me her name is Tiffany. I introduced myself, saying I was working in so and so's lab, and she told me that she was working in this other guy's lab down the hall. Maybe we'll see more of each other.
One disadvantage of having to wake up before 8 on weekdays: waiting at the bus stop when all of a sudden three trucks filled with port-a-potties in the back drive past you, with the wind blowing in your face.
Later on after arriving on campus and grabbing lunch, I noticed this class that was dancing outside. They were flicking their legs, flailing their arms, and moving their groin back and forth in this pulsating fashion. African tribal dance. The only thing I could thing of at the time was ugh, Drab would probably enjoy doing this shit.
Oh yeah, also, when I was walking towards campus, I walked past this girl who was talking on her phone. She was crying, and the one line I heard from her was,"I can't believe I fell for his shit!" I can't believe she won't shut up about it!
What a rough week. Can't believe I had to spend the weekend in lab. Although there was definitely less yelling today. My cells were alive, so I guess I didn't kill them with the procedure I concocted on the fly. My medical student coworker invited me to go on neurosurgery Grand Rounds with her!
One of the side effects of waking up early in the morning is having to deal with the elderly who wake up at that hour. Some guy was in the pharmacy asking me if I worked there, and if I knew when the clinic would open.
Another old guy was sitting on the bench waiting for the bus. He struck up a conversation with me. What I learned was that he used to be a bus driver in the 50s, and that every day feels like a Sunday to him. I reply,"Oh, so that must be relaxing." He says,"Yeah... it gets boring after a while." I don't know why I try to keep socializing, so I ask him,"What do you do in your free time then to not get bored?" He responds,"Writing my book, and walking my dogs." So I asked him if he were writing an autobiography or memoir. His reply: "Well sort of. The title of the book is 'Public Education: It Sucks!'" He's also getting his car next month, so he won't have to ride the bus anymore.
While working in the cell culture room, I noticed this semi-attractive Asian girl walking around in the same room. Then when I was under the hood, she walked over to my side to catch a glimpse of me. Being unusually nice again, I turned to face her and said, "Hi." She greeted back, telling me her name is Tiffany. I introduced myself, saying I was working in so and so's lab, and she told me that she was working in this other guy's lab down the hall. Maybe we'll see more of each other.
One disadvantage of having to wake up before 8 on weekdays: waiting at the bus stop when all of a sudden three trucks filled with port-a-potties in the back drive past you, with the wind blowing in your face.
Later on after arriving on campus and grabbing lunch, I noticed this class that was dancing outside. They were flicking their legs, flailing their arms, and moving their groin back and forth in this pulsating fashion. African tribal dance. The only thing I could thing of at the time was ugh, Drab would probably enjoy doing this shit.
Oh yeah, also, when I was walking towards campus, I walked past this girl who was talking on her phone. She was crying, and the one line I heard from her was,"I can't believe I fell for his shit!" I can't believe she won't shut up about it!
Mmm, Betty White rocks my socks off.
I'm in lab, I'm getting yelled at, I'm getting treated to lunch. It's great!
Getting keys on Tuesday, getting an ID keycard whenever. So many ropes to jump just to do research.
Having an aspiring neurosurgeon working with you in lab- it's a lot more intense than I had initially thought. A little too palpable, all of this external pressure beating down on me, adding on to the pressure that I already put myself under.
I was yelled at, I made mistakes, I learned. All in a good day's work?
Whatever, let's get down to business. My lab mate treated me to lunch today! I never expected this kind of benefit from working in lab.
Mmm, Betty White rocks my socks off.
I'm in lab, I'm getting yelled at, I'm getting treated to lunch. It's great!
Getting keys on Tuesday, getting an ID keycard whenever. So many ropes to jump just to do research.
Having an aspiring neurosurgeon working with you in lab- it's a lot more intense than I had initially thought. A little too palpable, all of this external pressure beating down on me, adding on to the pressure that I already put myself under.
I was yelled at, I made mistakes, I learned. All in a good day's work?
Whatever, let's get down to business. My lab mate treated me to lunch today! I never expected this kind of benefit from working in lab.
Conservapedia... I don't know. It SEEMS to make sense. Maybe they DO bring up good points in their articles- they certainly cite more references than Wikipedia.
Sometimes I get the feeling that medical students lose their sense of humor along the way through med school. This one woman in my lab wants to become a neurosurgeon, and she keeps telling me how not getting any sleep is preparing me for surgery. Even worse, when I told her that I didn't have breakfast today (when it was already 1PM) before getting to lab at 8AM (big accomplishment for me, for those who don't know that I'm incapable of waking up during daylight hours), she exclaimed,"See, you're already prepared for a life in surgery." No food?! UGHHHHH!!!!
I have this irresistible urge to cook for my lab members, and force them to try my food. I think it's because I've asked each lab mate separately, and their opinions about the cafeteria food being bad were consistent. In my head, I was also already planning a Christmas gift for the lab by taking snapshots of each of them and putting all our heads on Power Rangers or something. In any case, it would be a HUGE card hanging on the front door to the lab.
One terrible thing I did was not go to lab one day this week and NOT telling my PI I wasn't going to be there... and I feel bad about it. Ugh something must be wrong with me when I start caring about how other people feel. Ugh something must be wrong with me when all I can talk about now is science and research and medicine.
I wonder if my coworkers would enjoy taking hip hop dance classes with me... HAHAHA.
Catching Doc Fondles on Facebook as the same time as me. Unheard of! I thought he only had time for med school and Lizbian.
Sometimes I get the feeling that medical students lose their sense of humor along the way through med school. This one woman in my lab wants to become a neurosurgeon, and she keeps telling me how not getting any sleep is preparing me for surgery. Even worse, when I told her that I didn't have breakfast today (when it was already 1PM) before getting to lab at 8AM (big accomplishment for me, for those who don't know that I'm incapable of waking up during daylight hours), she exclaimed,"See, you're already prepared for a life in surgery." No food?! UGHHHHH!!!!
I have this irresistible urge to cook for my lab members, and force them to try my food. I think it's because I've asked each lab mate separately, and their opinions about the cafeteria food being bad were consistent. In my head, I was also already planning a Christmas gift for the lab by taking snapshots of each of them and putting all our heads on Power Rangers or something. In any case, it would be a HUGE card hanging on the front door to the lab.
One terrible thing I did was not go to lab one day this week and NOT telling my PI I wasn't going to be there... and I feel bad about it. Ugh something must be wrong with me when I start caring about how other people feel. Ugh something must be wrong with me when all I can talk about now is science and research and medicine.
I wonder if my coworkers would enjoy taking hip hop dance classes with me... HAHAHA.
Catching Doc Fondles on Facebook as the same time as me. Unheard of! I thought he only had time for med school and Lizbian.
irreducible complexity
Have any of you seen the research journals that are citing the Bible in their papers?
I'm at the campus bookstore right now, and one of the shortcuts in Firefox happened to be www.answersingenesis.org. I was thinking, oh, it might be a play on words, scientists poking fun at religion once again.
Have any of you seen the documentary Expelled featuring Ben Stein? Is it worth watching? I've always remembered him as that pseudo-funny guy on Win Ben Stein's Money, not someone who thinks science leads people to murder.
Animal physiology was finally interesting for a change. Lecture today went over photoreception and mechanoreception. There was a short segment on taste receptors, and how the umami/Glutamate receptor was the most recent one discovered. The professor was also arguing how people who claim they get headaches from eating Chinese food because of the MSG should stop complaining. He said that tomatoes and cheese contain even more glutamate than MSG, and that headaches from Chinese food probably result from dehydration due to the high sodium content.
And in some invertebrates, they have taste receptors in their vagina.
It's problematic enough having to deal with the general pollution in the air. I don't have issues with homeless people, but when one guy sits near you, and the wind is blowing from his direction towards you, it's near impossible to sit still with a neutral face when the smell wafting your way is putrid, to say the least.
So they say testicles are another source of stem cells. A quote from the BBC news article regarding the stem cells from your balls: "An answer to how these testis-derived pluripotent cells can be used will have to be left dangling a little longer." Oh BBC and their puns. SO CLEVER.
I'm at the campus bookstore right now, and one of the shortcuts in Firefox happened to be www.answersingenesis.org. I was thinking, oh, it might be a play on words, scientists poking fun at religion once again.
Have any of you seen the documentary Expelled featuring Ben Stein? Is it worth watching? I've always remembered him as that pseudo-funny guy on Win Ben Stein's Money, not someone who thinks science leads people to murder.
Animal physiology was finally interesting for a change. Lecture today went over photoreception and mechanoreception. There was a short segment on taste receptors, and how the umami/Glutamate receptor was the most recent one discovered. The professor was also arguing how people who claim they get headaches from eating Chinese food because of the MSG should stop complaining. He said that tomatoes and cheese contain even more glutamate than MSG, and that headaches from Chinese food probably result from dehydration due to the high sodium content.
And in some invertebrates, they have taste receptors in their vagina.
It's problematic enough having to deal with the general pollution in the air. I don't have issues with homeless people, but when one guy sits near you, and the wind is blowing from his direction towards you, it's near impossible to sit still with a neutral face when the smell wafting your way is putrid, to say the least.
So they say testicles are another source of stem cells. A quote from the BBC news article regarding the stem cells from your balls: "An answer to how these testis-derived pluripotent cells can be used will have to be left dangling a little longer." Oh BBC and their puns. SO CLEVER.
Even my science relationships move too fast for me. I'm already being given keys to the lab. It might be time to call it quits.
This homeless guy on Clement had really nice hair. Interesting facial structure too. On the other hand, the Vietnamese sandwich I bought at one of the stores along that street- not so interesting. At some point, when sandwiches are being priced at $2.75 each, the quality of the food should be called into question.
Since women in porn like having man juice all over their face so much, do you think women would mind if guys peed all over them? It doesn't seem like much of a transition, from one liquid to a less viscous one.
How did anyone ever expect Wall Street to self-regulate? People playing around with money, who are only happy when they're making more money.
If I were to think of a relationship as an all-you-can-eat buffet, where everything you need can be found at one place, I GUESS I could understand why some people might have the need to find some deep connection with one person. But it's buffet food- you know never to expect the best when you arrive.
This homeless guy on Clement had really nice hair. Interesting facial structure too. On the other hand, the Vietnamese sandwich I bought at one of the stores along that street- not so interesting. At some point, when sandwiches are being priced at $2.75 each, the quality of the food should be called into question.
Since women in porn like having man juice all over their face so much, do you think women would mind if guys peed all over them? It doesn't seem like much of a transition, from one liquid to a less viscous one.
How did anyone ever expect Wall Street to self-regulate? People playing around with money, who are only happy when they're making more money.
If I were to think of a relationship as an all-you-can-eat buffet, where everything you need can be found at one place, I GUESS I could understand why some people might have the need to find some deep connection with one person. But it's buffet food- you know never to expect the best when you arrive.
Guess I don't have to go over to Europe to view women with armpit hair. This woman was standing right in front of me on the bus, with her arms raised to hold onto the metal bar, and her fuzzy armpits in all their glory.
So my PI isn't as composed as I thought he would be- he wasn't expecting me in lab today, and he was writing a grant due by 5PM.
Global warming is depressing. I'm waiting for my current depression to end, which will begin exactly when SF begins to stay cloudy every single day of the week, with occasional glimpses of rain.
Friends. I'm still trying to define what that word means. My focus group has shifted in the past few months. I'm usually spending more time now online communicating with those in DC, Texas, LA, or Japan. Going to have to modify my previous statement about friends in proximity due to convenience.
My readership is down. I blame it on the economy.
Guess I don't have to go over to Europe to view women with armpit hair. This woman was standing right in front of me on the bus, with her arms raised to hold onto the metal bar, and her fuzzy armpits in all their glory.
So my PI isn't as composed as I thought he would be- he wasn't expecting me in lab today, and he was writing a grant due by 5PM.
Global warming is depressing. I'm waiting for my current depression to end, which will begin exactly when SF begins to stay cloudy every single day of the week, with occasional glimpses of rain.
Friends. I'm still trying to define what that word means. My focus group has shifted in the past few months. I'm usually spending more time now online communicating with those in DC, Texas, LA, or Japan. Going to have to modify my previous statement about friends in proximity due to convenience.
My readership is down. I blame it on the economy.
UCSF's main campus is much larger than I expected- I got lost trying to find a bathroom before the orientation started. It always appeared small to me when I visited back in high school.
Dream last night: I made a surprisingly sudden trip back to Houston, and happen to find myself searching through records at this music store. As I go to pay at the counter, I am shocked to find that Klean is the cashier. I was starting to ask her what she's been up to, and how she ended up working at that place, when Krazy Katie comes into the store to check up on the latest hipster hits. Then, Klean leans over to me and begins gossiping about how Krazy Katie's been in Texas for quite a while. Not only that, she also insinuated that she's been having several "relationships" with many a woman. After hearing that, I started dialing on my cell phone to call Clare to confirm that maybe his description of her in recent years wasn't all that inaccurate.
My PI wore corduroy pants the other day, which reminded me of B-米. Today, an uber-pale uber-blonde uber-white doctor whose face turned uber-pink in the sun reminded me of Drab.
Has this ever happened to any of you, where you're busy typing away at the computer, look down, and discover that you're not wearing any underwear?
Dream last night: I made a surprisingly sudden trip back to Houston, and happen to find myself searching through records at this music store. As I go to pay at the counter, I am shocked to find that Klean is the cashier. I was starting to ask her what she's been up to, and how she ended up working at that place, when Krazy Katie comes into the store to check up on the latest hipster hits. Then, Klean leans over to me and begins gossiping about how Krazy Katie's been in Texas for quite a while. Not only that, she also insinuated that she's been having several "relationships" with many a woman. After hearing that, I started dialing on my cell phone to call Clare to confirm that maybe his description of her in recent years wasn't all that inaccurate.
My PI wore corduroy pants the other day, which reminded me of B-米. Today, an uber-pale uber-blonde uber-white doctor whose face turned uber-pink in the sun reminded me of Drab.
Has this ever happened to any of you, where you're busy typing away at the computer, look down, and discover that you're not wearing any underwear?
Was logging on to Twitter again, and Carl's Jr. posted something about a piece of clothing recently purchased. There was an inclination to comment, but some of the things I say usually come off as... harsh. So I've decided to place my thoughts on this blog, as opposed to the other PUBLIC forum. So maybe it's pointless. OH WELL.
What I initially thought after the page loaded was: $132?! You're willing to pay more for that flap of foreskin around your neck?!
The quality of the New York Times- I read an article just now where the writer used b.f.f. in the middle of the story. Maybe it's one of those evolution of the language things, or maybe they hired a staff writer who was born in the 90s.
Sometimes I feel I can related to Kaiser on some level, but other times I have no idea what she's thinking when her mind's racing at 100 miles an hour while trying to leave me voice mail. It's always nice, though, to get out of the blue calls from people you haven't talked to in a while. Most people don't even bother leaving a message, while others text you, which could be perceived as a method of avoiding that whole reaching your voice mailbox type of rejection.
The annoying part about hospital volunteering- having to sit through the 3 hour orientation. It's even worse when a boring speaker presents the powerpoint slides.
Oh yeah, haha. Jalto and I are hunting ghosts in the future.
What I initially thought after the page loaded was: $132?! You're willing to pay more for that flap of foreskin around your neck?!
The quality of the New York Times- I read an article just now where the writer used b.f.f. in the middle of the story. Maybe it's one of those evolution of the language things, or maybe they hired a staff writer who was born in the 90s.
Sometimes I feel I can related to Kaiser on some level, but other times I have no idea what she's thinking when her mind's racing at 100 miles an hour while trying to leave me voice mail. It's always nice, though, to get out of the blue calls from people you haven't talked to in a while. Most people don't even bother leaving a message, while others text you, which could be perceived as a method of avoiding that whole reaching your voice mailbox type of rejection.
The annoying part about hospital volunteering- having to sit through the 3 hour orientation. It's even worse when a boring speaker presents the powerpoint slides.
Oh yeah, haha. Jalto and I are hunting ghosts in the future.
So there are some downsides to studying in bed. You might forget where you place your textbook while you're napping, and suddenly when you turn your head you meet a staggering pain due to contact with a sharp corner of the book.
Some study in PLoS discussed the differences in which Westerners and Easterners perceive faces. Westerners focus on the eyes, but Easterners focus around the nose in a more holistic context. Yet people on both sides sometimes can't tell people apart on the opposite side. Maybe it's just that those people are inattentive to detail?
I think I do need to get out more- studying on a Saturday is kinda depressing for once.
The problem with biological imperative arises when I'm trying to study science but am instead fraught with pervading thoughts of running scenarios/simulations with certain girl(s). This isn't a problem when I'm not studying because I usually eat something.
How hard is it to birth mice of a desired genotype?
Some study in PLoS discussed the differences in which Westerners and Easterners perceive faces. Westerners focus on the eyes, but Easterners focus around the nose in a more holistic context. Yet people on both sides sometimes can't tell people apart on the opposite side. Maybe it's just that those people are inattentive to detail?
I think I do need to get out more- studying on a Saturday is kinda depressing for once.
The problem with biological imperative arises when I'm trying to study science but am instead fraught with pervading thoughts of running scenarios/simulations with certain girl(s). This isn't a problem when I'm not studying because I usually eat something.
How hard is it to birth mice of a desired genotype?
You ever walk around the kitchen eating an apple while fiddling with your ding dong? Yeah, me too.
Should be studying for my third and last exam this week, but my mind is filled with thoughts about what to cook when visiting Janey and Nilk in D.C.
What do you do when you run out of fresh underwear, having neglected to do your laundry because of exams?
So it's the next day. This officially concludes my week where I got my ass handed to me on 3 exams. Ugh.
Not only that, but I just found out that Mr. Brown iced coffee products may also be contaminated. It was hilarious at first to get all these emails from my brother warning me about the melamine contamination in white rabbit candies, because he's the only one in my family that eats that crap. It's also hilarious seeing another botch up by the Chinese, always trying to squeeze out every ounce of profit by diluting their milk and adding melamine to bypass protein assays.
Doing so poorly on the problem sets returned to me. What a terrible way to start a semester.
So it's the next day, and I'm a little lazy on the posts. This morning was the first time I've gotten to sleep 6, 7 hours continuously, and yet I feel more tired. I guess I survived, even with the 3 needles in my arm. At the clinic, there were all these pamphlets around saying that guys can get HPV, how to check for breast cancer, etc. Is there a need to get tested for HIV or STDs if you're not even having sex?
Note to others: just because they're selling fried chicken, the entire chicken, for 5 dollars at the supermarket doesn't necessarily mean it will taste good.
Should be studying for my third and last exam this week, but my mind is filled with thoughts about what to cook when visiting Janey and Nilk in D.C.
What do you do when you run out of fresh underwear, having neglected to do your laundry because of exams?
So it's the next day. This officially concludes my week where I got my ass handed to me on 3 exams. Ugh.
Not only that, but I just found out that Mr. Brown iced coffee products may also be contaminated. It was hilarious at first to get all these emails from my brother warning me about the melamine contamination in white rabbit candies, because he's the only one in my family that eats that crap. It's also hilarious seeing another botch up by the Chinese, always trying to squeeze out every ounce of profit by diluting their milk and adding melamine to bypass protein assays.
Doing so poorly on the problem sets returned to me. What a terrible way to start a semester.
So it's the next day, and I'm a little lazy on the posts. This morning was the first time I've gotten to sleep 6, 7 hours continuously, and yet I feel more tired. I guess I survived, even with the 3 needles in my arm. At the clinic, there were all these pamphlets around saying that guys can get HPV, how to check for breast cancer, etc. Is there a need to get tested for HIV or STDs if you're not even having sex?
Note to others: just because they're selling fried chicken, the entire chicken, for 5 dollars at the supermarket doesn't necessarily mean it will taste good.
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