Decided to log onto Facebook since I rarely do so anymore. Maybe Facebook will be a phase just as Xanga was for some people. This time, I caught Drab online at the same time, so I immediately logged off. Even though I've only talked to one person using that Facebook chat- one of my high school friend's little brothers- the probability of a random event occurs the more you put yourself in a situation. Applied to this instance, the possibility of someone initiating conversation increases the longer both stay on.
I think I tried to imitate someone restaurant's broccoli chicken, except I added too much oyster sauce.
As much as I enjoy wearing just underwear, I try to picture myself doing this in my own apartment, and... that's just not natural. Unless you were maybe Ling Xiaoyu from Tekken. Not even going to bother explaining that reference, just Wiki it, or buy the game.
So in case anybody didn't know, this is my kind of day. SO glad the fog and cloudy skies have come back to me. I went in to lab, and this is a picture of the view I get from one of my windows- a partial view of the ocean. Maybe I should post pictures of the inside of the lab?
The Jack of Hearts painted into the sidewalk, and me still wearing my 2+ year old shoes. Odd, since I bought three new pairs a while back during that lapse in judgment last month.
A SF hipster, for those who haven't seen one. This guy was particularly annoying because he was singing aloud in public at the bus stop, where I was not only waiting but also enduring hearing loss. He also tried to dance, but it turned out to be a lamer version of Dick Van Dyke's "Step in Time" from Mary Poppins.
I crossed paths with this white couple, both senior citizens, who had interlocked their index and middle fingers, a deviation from devious hand holding. It was actually kind of cute, and the old lady was nice enough to smile back at me when I walked past them.
1 comment:
This kid seems more emo than hipster to me... have you confused the two species? I guess there might be some overlap. Next time, if you can, attach a tracking badge to his ear and try to get a sample of his stool. If emo / hipsters aren't monitored carefully their population could balloon out of control (there are few natural predators).
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