My PI asked me what I was doing for Veteran's Day, and so without thinking, I said that I think I get a day off. So then he was suggesting that for our first lab outing, we go out on his sailboat that day. Running simulations in my head, I came up with two highly probable outcomes: it could go bad/extremely awkward, or it could be pleasant. Why would it be awkward? Because everybody's bringing their fiance or friend, meaning everybody will be paired up, leaving the cheese to stand alone again. Janey suggested that I drag Drab along. YEAH... OKAY... drink a bit of crazy today??
At McDonald's the other day, this one child, around 2 or 3 years old, shouted,"I wanna be a man!"
At Borders, I was walking over to the reference section and glanced at the tarot collection. There was actually a set that was called Tarot Gay. Can someone explain to me what exactly makes a gay tarot deck distinct from regular "straight" tarot cards?
Over the weekend, this old white man being pushed in a wheelchair shouted at me from a distance,"Hello, sir! How are you today?" Haha. I told him I was fine and then asked how he was, but he didn't respond. I guess he couldn't hear me?
Here he is, kind of. He's behind the black lady. She was nice too.
The teenage girls in SF carry their tennis rackets around in their purses when commuting. Fashion before practicality.
Coming back home from school, I was sitting at the back of the bus, and this girl was complaining to someone on the phone about her boyfriend. Me being forced to listen to girls complain about their boyfriend: story of my life.
Haven't seen this font on a stop sign before. Which font is it??
People actually playing cricket on that nice Sunday not too long ago. Wait, that was yesterday.
People still fly the old flag.
Purple flowers for Ray.
I think these are the same as the one above?
I am nearly a hundred percent certain that the gay tarot has more penises than the straight one. Also, the various fortune-interpretation guides that come with it will have been corrected to refer to same-sex relationships. Otherwise, no difference, but they'll probably still charge more for it.
ecchi? who taught you that... haha?
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