I wsa also walking down the sidewalk up 19th Ave., trying to conjure up images of people I know. The problem is that now, I don't feel anything for anyone. Not even hate or extreme disdain. Just neutral. What's better, to be able to feel something, even if it's negative, or to feel nothing at all?
So THAT's why white asparagus is white. Too mild for me. I tend to purchase my meat in bulk now and freeze them in individual zip-lock bags. Two weeks ago it was chicken breast at 99 cents/pound. This week it's chicken thighs at 99 cents/pound. What's beef priced at right now, 3/4/5 dollars/pound? I think I bought ground beef a month ago for 99 cents/pound- going to mix that with tofu and eggplant tonight.
My recent conclusion about people who go to science grad school are the ones that ask questions to seek the truth. And to seek approval from others.
My PI's happy with my progress in lab. I'm guessing it's because he planned on us analyzing data in November, but it seems like we'll be able to start soon, so results might appear a month earlier. How else do I get rewarded? By being assigned to read a grant proposal.
I don't know HOW you people deal with these. I've only barely gotten used to reading condensed scientific articles from journals, and all of a sudden a 25 page novel, detailing the gazillion projects expected to be performed over next 3 years, is thrust into my face.
Other concerns... stem cells. Trying to see the changes in stem cells with the naked eye is like reading a scientific "Where's Waldo?"
Nilk signed up for the same workshop that I did last month for SfN. He's going to be with me now at the workshop on teaching dance to Parkinson's patients. SUPPOSEDLY he throws PD herky jerky parties ALL the time, and he's going to throw one at Janey's place. And she's worried about ME making her roommate feel uncomfortable...
Confession: these have been sitting atop the microwave near the elevator, and it doesn't seem like anybody goes through them. I've also never had them before, so I stole a few (two, to be exact). It would have been three today, but someone was running up the stairwell. I think people eat these with coffee because it's so BITTER!
My back hurts. I'm going to lie down, maybe do some homework. Oh right, will get back to you on SF hipster pix, B-米.
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