Finished meeting all of the people in the lab next to me. The labs with the Asian people don't seem to be too friendly, except for that Tiffany girl.
Waiting at the bus stop after leaving lab, to get across town back to campus:
A dog peed in this spot before having taken this picture (above). Then I wondered what the odds were of a dog peeing in this spot (below):
The black bus driver was so nice today! My reference for nice black people is that one guy in the Dallas Cowboys jacket who pointed a gun at my mom in the '90s. Better to have low standards. I sound so old, talking about things happening only a decade ago. Oh right, how he said his farewells to people leaving the bus: "Have a nice day. Enjoy the hot weather. Have a tall cold one." I could use a tall cold one...
More approval from the PI. JOY! RNA isolation yielded much much more than had been expected, so I must be doing things right again. Only issue was that I directly put the eluted sample into the UV spec, which is a no no since the sample is too saturated and therefore unreadable. So we diluted it, and things turned out fine. My PI also started taking pictures of me because he had a talk recently. I guess PI's acknowledges their lab people at the end of the powerpoint. He listed me as a member of his lab, except he didn't have a picture of me. One thought that came to mind when he was flashing that camera was "Dear lord, I hope Drab never attends any of the presentations at UCSF by my PI." It would be so embarrassing to have a huge picture of me flash across the screen at the end of ANY talk, only to be recognized by someone in the audience.
Bus ride back to campus. This one weird Asian guy got on the bus and started talking poorly in Chinese, with that American inflection, i.e., atonal, to an elderly woman, recruiting her to join some cult. Like church or something. His name? Elder Eng was on his name tag. Reminded me of Elle, not just the last name, but the not so well-spoken Mandarin.
After coming back from class and ordering Vietnamese sandwiches in my former favorite shop, some Asian punk teenagers were lounging around the place. Apparently one of them clogged the toilet in the store. One girl tried to use it, but came back out saying that blood was in the toilet water. When she tried to flush it, the water started pouring out of the toilet, flooding the entire floor. The Asians were also yelling at each other outside for no good reason, and one of them said,"Suck mah green tea, nigga!" What does that even mean?! What part of the body could even remotely resembles green tea?! Then some black lady cleaning the sidewalk came along. NO utterance of the N-word out of any of them.
How many products has Billy Mays endorsed up to now? In that same Vietnamese sandwich shop, I saw him talking about this substance that can glue back together torn pants and other items of clothing. Wasn't there another one about lime-be-gone, and the sticky tac that you can mash up that could be an insanely strong adhesive?
Oh, should say this finally before the clock strikes 12. Happy Bday, Ray Ray. I was going to take a picture of the purple flowers on campus for her. Maybe tomorrow, when I'm back at the Borders again. Time for bed, waking up early on a Saturday. Perhaps I'll pay my lab mate a visit tomorrow.
1 comment:
I'll try that over here and let you know how it goes.
Asians....le sigh.
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