i secretly stalk people on facebook. by that, just looking at their wall-to-wall messages. and whenever that person brings up something that happened on facebook, i act as if i don't know.
i finished cat's cradle. it was ok. i didn't really get the message, but it was humorous. i thought there would be some greater theme than stupidity and indifference. nope. dab a little ice-nine onto your lips.
let's rub the soles of our feet together. next reading venture: children of hurin or how i learned to cook. maybe try finishing the prince? no wonder it was in the 3 dollar bin. 7 books completed this summer. 3 more to go? do people really have that much more time if they stop having sex, watching porn, doing anything sexual?
being a border's club member has its benefits. does that also apply to barnes and noble members? i got a 20%-off coupon that lasts until the 29th of this month, and a 30% coupon that lasts until the 9th of August. i might use either for the last harry potter, if 13 dollars for the last book is actually worth it when i can get the first 6 for 5 bucks each. then again, i cancelled my online order for poincare's prize since i can get it for a cheaper price at the bookstore with the coupon.
2 of them are solved already?! that just leaves 5 million. perhaps i can get my hands on some of that- first i would have to learn all the math available at the universities, and then live as a hermit, withdrawn from society.
in a few days, B-米 will be returning to the states. already, clare has returned to the city. that jackass.
i can't believe i have to wait two more weeks so that i can go to LA. not exactly tired of these classes. tired of the thought of having to take more classes of the same quality.
what do i want out of life? i don't know.
yes i am! returning to the states. goddamn it's going to be so weird. where is clare right now?
i don't know what you want out of life.
what i want out of life right now (random order):
friends, subaru wrx, food, mexican food, grl friend (maybe), mariners baseball cap, happiness, satisfaction without excessive pride
oh i take it back.
only one is solved, and that'd be the Poincare Conjecture.
6 mil for siu left.
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