
jay kay

some idiot was trying to sneak his friend through the back door at the servery because you can't swipe for your friend at this dining hall. even if you can, he only had 1.50 left on his card. i was just sitting there eating my cereal (the food was bad again. no surprise.) while observing him trying to open this back door to the servery.

another thing i remember about drab's shirt- it was that god-awful purple and yellow color, like the beer bike shirts for jones this year. casino royale. disgusting.

almost done with the covering letter. i just have to research what the people are doing now and add why i'm interested in it. and what my interest are. sigh. damn australians and their politeness.

my dead body is worth $4825, according to some calculator. according to another test, my learning style is a balance between visual/nonverbal, visual/verbal, and kinesthetic. just not auditory. which explains why i haven't found an effective method of studying yet.

1 comment:

Practical Female Scientist said...

hmm... the missing word... could it be "HATE"? but then, *you* should have been wearing the shirt.