The one thing I find wrong with armpit hair is when it's staring at me in the face. Sticking out god knows how far from the sleeve of the guy standing next to me on the bus. Seriously, if your armpit hair protrudes that far from the sleeve of your shirt, either buy shirts with longer sleeves or just trim the damn thing. Nobody wants pubic hair staring back at them while riding public transit.
I'm presenting a case on Alzheimer's tomorrow. FINALLY I don't have to stay on campus until 6 anymore! What did one group member say to me in a group email? She thanked me for coming to meetings with a smile. It'll probably be the last time I see Drab 2.0 for an extended period of time, get rides home in a car. Then I'll have to downgrade back to Drab 1.0. Sigh.
On a not so brighter note, I have discovered the secret base of those Asian Christians running around campus scaring people. Well, I got their website in an email, but it's a start.
Forbes was right about Bhangra becoming a trend- the workers at the campus store were playing Indian music right after Mika and company.
My one week to splurge before detoxing on a healthy diet. So far this week: McDonald's, KFC, greasy Chinese, frozen pizzas, Lean Pockets, kettle chips. What will I have to look forward to after that? Unsalted matzos. Think- you can soak those crackers in water, squish them into a ball, and convert them into another Jewish treat. Mmm???
Crassie wants to take me back to South Beach when I go back to Texas.
I want a taste of Hillary. Apparently so does Texas.
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