My other cousin. The one who told his mom about our private conversation, the one where I divulged to him about my crushes. Ugh, never sharing secrets with him again.
My gram-ma-ma made fried rice the day I left. It always turns out better than mine, even with her rusting skills. Shinier, healthier.
If someone's tag is sticking out of their shirt, would you tell them?
My PI's scrubs were inside out today, and I was wondering the same thing. Then I thought, maybe he intentionally wore them that way, but why would anybody do that? It's like that thing with the food stuck in a person's teeth, particularly lettuce, spinach, beans. Hmm, it's usually a dark colored vegetable...
I get the feeling that my PI wants me to play around with everything in lab. I also get the feeling that he wants me to become autonomous and start running some experiments on the side without telling him. Should I or shouldn't I waste valuable lab resources? It would be fun, just randomly throwing stuff together and seeing what happens.
Oh yeah, bombed my test today. I blame it on the blogging.
On the bright side, no acne this time. My usual pattern is to stress out before a test, resulting in pimples exploding all over my face. Maybe I didn't stress enough for this test? Which could explain why I didn't feel so great about it afterwards...
OH! I saw an Asian fellow on the bus today, who had a similar facial hair pattern to mine, basically above the upper lip, below the other lip, and the chin. I now know what it would look like if I were to grow it out. Pubes.
I hope he shaves soon.
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