I was distracted by that hideous wedding album. Back to blogging. Keeping it short, relatively, since I'm screwed for finals.
Response to MattPatt's last comment: HAHA I liked the movie but didn't love it. That's all. No judgment, as far as I know?
Remember the time when Jalto would always play a song repeatedly for like, FOREVER, in the suite? Well, I'm doing the same thing, except on my iPod so that I don't have to subject other people to the mishmash that is Girl Talk.
This is the crazy guy I see on the bus every week now. Let me know if you also run into him. He does this weird wailing thing while putting his hands over both his ears.
So it turns out my Grampa may have a lung tumor instead of Parkinson's disease, as my aunt had incorrectly diagnosed on the internet... Don't know which condition is worse. Don't know if I feel sympathetic about his situation, for multiple reasons. Such is the effect of trying to rationalize one's life. I suppose I could detail my "feelings" about this situation in a later post.
NECK FACE! No idea why someone etched this into the armrest of a bus seat.
This place had a nice "OPEN" neon sign, one that accurately depicts what goods they sell at said establishment. Refreshingly not generic, at least for me. Have any of you seen a more creative OPEN sign?
I see this apartment every morning, and really liked the colors on the front of the house, so I snapped a picture. The only problem is that the other side of the apartment looks like shit. Why they didn't decide to redo ALL sides of the house, I don't know.
Only one specific time sticks in your mind? Lord, I've got a song on repeat RIGHT NOW.
Don't think we've forgotten the time you were obsessed with the first High School Musical. Um, mostly because I was too.
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