UGH! Not only did I have a dream about lab, but it also involved Drab. WHY ME?!?!
I was standing in the middle of an empty metropolis, most likely downtown SF, and across from me is Drab walking towards my direction.
"I haven't seen you in forever." He proceeds to hug me.
"...Drab, you're touching me..." He continues making physical contact, grossing me out in the process. "Get offa me!"
Afterwards, we went to the garage of an autoshop (?) to have lunch. We were sitting there, eating sandwiches, catching up on lost time, I suppose. Near the end of the conversation, Drab asked me if I wanted to go see his lab at Mission Bay. I guess I agreed...
Walking towards the campus, the conversation transitioned to talking about science. Jabber jabber jabber, and soon the topic was about doing great science. The one line I remember Drab saying as we walked along the sidewalk was,"I don't think I could ever become a great scientist. But maybe you can." Something along those lines. HAH! This part of the dream, I found tolerable. That is, until we reached the school.
Strolling along on the ground floor of the parking garage, Drab headed in past the gates, and as I was catching up, I hear this screeching, the slamming of car brakes. I turn around, and what do I find but Doerfy and Nilk, BOTH drunk, laughing hysterically at the toll gate. Neither of them were in the right mind, as both of them couldn't figure out how to get the ticket out of the toll booth, not could Doerfy figure out how to drive the car past the gate. Should I also mention that she was trying to drive the car sitting on the passenger side of the car? All the while, Nilk is pissed drunk and not helping by giggling the entire time.
Inside, Drab showed me around, even the gift shop, who knows why. As we wait for the elevator, it opens up, and none other than Krazy Katie is standing inside. At the sight of her, I start walking elsewhere in the lobby as to avoid her, but suddenly someone jumps me from behind, and I collapse onto the floor with Krazy Katie. She starts talking to me and asking all these questions about why I haven't kept in touch with her. Then I push her off and start running away, as quickly as possible.
TERRIBLE dream! I should have just taken the car and partied with drunk Nilk and Doerfy.
Watching Kung Fu Panda.
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