
yorba linda

Right after I finished plating my cells, something didn't seem right. I looked over my calculations and what seemed like the wrong dilution factor was used. At 2AM, after having gone through 7 plates of samples and 14 chamber slides, I let out a resounding,"FUCK!" If the dilution factor were 5 instead of the 10 I used, then the number of cells plated per well would have been half the intended amount, which would reduce the RNA yield in the final phase of my experiment, which is the ENTIRE POINT of my project, to extract RNA for microarray analysis.

Ok enough babble about science. No wait, not just yet.

Also have to tackle 4 science finals, 1 assignment, 2 extra credit papers, and 1 paper for the research I'm doing in this lab. All in a week before flying out. Suck.

Asian lady and her daughter were annoying me at the bus stop today, feeding this foot-long bag of bread to the pigeons and seagulls. The problem with the exploding pigeon population is the people. Maybe I should start throwing rice into the mix every time I see someone feeding the animals?

Oh right, a reply to a previous comment: and hello to you, too, Clare. Jackass!

Tired. Night. Random pictures soon, maybe.

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