
the bottoms

Dreams last night:

I left my backpack on the sidewalk while doing something in the middle of the street, and a pair of thugs nabbed it. They just kept running through this suburban neighborhood, with me in tow. After running for who knows how long, I walk up into this apartment to find Asians playing poker at a square table when I get a phone call from one of my high school friends. It was a really boring conversation so I made up the excuse that I had to go eat.

Then I appeared at some conference/convention, where people were sitting in seats that circled the center of the room. To my right was Barbara Walters and to my left, Diane Sawyer. The fixed menu included salad, soup, dessert, your choice of wine, and a main course. Upon inspecting the entire meal, I think I was disappointed, which may have been why I woke up.

I think I'll cook for my cousins tonight. Why the hell is Janey in Houston?! Stop following me!!!

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