There's the possibility that I might be a nice guy who's just putting up an unfriendly front. Let's hope this isn't true.
Met an MSTP today. Doris. I think she was rotating through neurosurgery as a possible option for residency. Strange thing is, I thought I remembered her name from somewhere, and looked up the MSTP candidates on the school website. There she was, entered in 2004. I double checked her name badge to make sure that it was the same person. Yup. Don't know why I remember obscure names of people I've never met before. She looked like Ming Na at first glance.
Had a dream last night, where someone's girlfriend followed me to the bathroom and she was forcefully trying to give me a blow job. STILL apathetic about sex in real life and in my dreams- I pushed her away.
Then I woke up and realized I had fallen asleep studying for one final today. Once I got to class, I glanced over the exam and noticed that it wasn't CUMULATIVE, as the syllabus had stated it would be. UGH, I could have spent all that time studying for my more important classes. Still, I guess I'm guaranteed at least one A for the semester.
Off to studying for the two finals I have tomorrow... that is, once I finish lysing/collecting my cells tonight, which would be after 9...
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