
sarah nade

Office hours with a prof... not as bad as I thought it would be. Although I'd prefer not to have to go to another one ever again, I need to make a trip tomorrow. Because I missed about a month of classes when I was sick and flying places.

Met the crazy man again. So his pattern- if you ever want to meet him- is to take the 18 line from Stonestown up along Lake Merced every Tuesday and Thursday at noon. If you wait, you'll see a man groaning while covering his ears.

SF's weather has been so fickle. Yesterday it rained in the morning, was sunny in the afternoon, and rained at night. At midnight, hail started falling. When I went to lab at 5AM, it was pouring, and now, it's sunny and windy.

Yesterday was the first time that I didn't eat anything all day until 8:30PM. I don't know how people can have eating disorders. My head started burning up, and my face turned red as if I were drunk. My PI also handed me $2 before he left so that I could get a soda from the vending machine downstairs since the water jug was gone from our floor. Just like my dad, handing me money, and me feeling that Asian guilt for taking it. Mmm.

1 comment:

Jing said...

that's so nice of him - how considerate. no wonder you're smitten.

question - how did your cells turn out?