

Move-in: completed.

Just going to volunteer tonight, go back to one of my apts, sleep, and turn in my keys tomorrow to Yams.

Who knew there could be so many different types of straws to sell???

Finished one paragraph of my PS:

I finished it by talking about ikigai, and I want to propel it into a conversation on my ikigai, that being work at the moment. But then I wanted to flashback to my childhood, Saturday morning cartoons, superheroes and comic books/manga.

There's a bit of difficulty in blending the paragraphs together...

To read an ad-less blog, please visit my new tumblr page! (jasonjsiu.tumblr.com)



I'm moving out of my apartment early tomorrow morning.

Renting out a car from some parking lot.

Why do I get the feeling that I'm going to be in a car accident tomorrow?

Oh well.

The only thing available is some Scion. Blegh.

Can I move out everything in 4 hours? I hope so- that's all I reserved the car for.

Dance class! Ciao!


binary choice

Why does it have to be one or the other, and not both?

I went to sleep annoyed, I wake up, STILL annoyed at my PI.

Even though Janey explained to me that my boss' criticisms may just be concern, it certainly did not come across that way.

Best thing to do now is escape. Into this new book I've checked out from the library.

The Windup Girl. Supposedly received excellent reviews, won some awards?

Giving science fiction another try.

Will let you know how it goes.



Would you ever give up your potential for achievement(s)- for various reasons- in order so that your significant other will succeed?

Even if it means that they end up being more successful professionally than you?

Tonight the sushi chef gave my lab mates and me complimentary sake and complimentary sushi. Excellent!

Oh right. I should blog about my night w/ Drab, Clare, and Amelia sometime soon. Tomorrow hopefully.

Too strung out on Dexter right now. If I can relate to the main character, does that make me a sociopath?



I guess forwarding my blogger posts to tumblr is much easier than posting in tumblr itself.

What's new today...

Dinner w/ Drab, Clare, and Amelia @ Monk's Kettle tonight, 7 PM. I should probably get all my experiments finished by 6.

I should also get started on my personal statement, even though I feel the pressure to get an abstract submitted to Society for Neuroscience by next Thursday. My PI wants me to have this on my application- he thinks it would make me a more competitive applicant. I, of course, have my doubts...

In good news, I feel as though I have a sense of what I want to study/research in the future. I'm more certain of the career path I'm planning to pursue, i.e., I have less doubt about not living to my fullest. My concern about entering medicine was that I would be restricted in what I can and cannot do, but the more I thought about it, people can always find a way to play multiple roles in any job. Leader, organizer, teacher, mentor, that sort of thing.

Parties?! Ugh.

Let me tell you- I went partying with my lab mates (pretty much the only social group I have hung out with in forever), and we went karaoke-ing. It was actually okay. I didn't take sake bombs like the others did, but I DID have sake and beer. Separately. Then the group bought me mixed drinks (too sweet, in my opinion), but it got me through the dance party later that night. Broken glass. I bumped my eye/the ridge of my skull encasing my eye onto my lab mate's head, leaving both of us bruises for about a week. Jello shots, tequila shots. So much alcohol. Red flush, of course.

Oof. I'm not sure if I want to know what bourbon will do to me. And what are you doing in NOLA, Yoshi? And YES, MattPatt, zydeco's the word I'm looking for! I think... is that the type of music they played in The Frog Princess???

Haha, I have been getting accustomed to dogs lately. Still not sure whether I like the normal sized dogs, or the selectively breeded toy dogs with the smushed faces.

Anyhow, break time's over. Gotta start werkin'.



I have a craving for... visiting the south, and partying to Cajun music.

I still find love to be an overrated, dispensable emotion.

The people one cares for are too wishy-washy with their own feelings to be reliable.

Do people ever notice themselves changing from one year to the next?

I used to move so that I wouldn't stay rooted in one place for too long, and yet I find myself mired in here.

You think you can care for someone, but you know that it's never going to be what you want.

You can tell a lot about a person's age by staring at their hands.

Maybe it is wise to live one's life without ever fully opening to someone.

My age and cynicism are catching up with me.
