
spritle and chimchim

speed racer. gatchaman. i didn't know gatchaman was so environmentally friendly like captain planet.

maury- has mark moved in with you yet? and a bottle of beer is NOT a 4-foot long machine gun, haha. psh, my dreams aren't creepy! just be glad you got to sit down and have a meal with me in the last one.

yeah, that girl's disgusting, and yet the guy still hasn't broken up with her! he also dressed like a scrub everywhere he goes because he wants people to like him for his personality. i wouldn't mind seeing him go to admissions interviews dressed like he is now: wind-jacket, sandals, t-shirt, and pants.

cheetos over lay's. there's one good thing about having diabetics in the world- they make reduced sugar fruit juice! oh man! only 9 g of sugar per serving. not sweet at all.

KAT-TUN! i would have preferred to be jin. and you made clare the rapper?! their dancing isn't that great in a music video of theirs i saw. maybe their hair with tohoshinki's dance moves. now to get that hair- i'd have to find the right stylist. i saw a recent picture of some asian guy with his hair entirely bleached, and it did NOT look flattering at all.

perhaps the world would be a better place if more people died. i'm not talking about warfare with man-made artillery. natural causes. this girl in my class, for instance. she sat right next to me tonight pounding away at her laptop and generally annoying me. it would have been nice if a large boulder smashed her right then and there.


1 comment:

Roopy said...

The shrapnel would probably kill you too.