

HOLY FUCK! my roommates are finally having a verbal World War. people are PISSED OFF, and i might end up being an innocent bystander.


Practical Female Scientist said...

Holy CRAP J Siu!!! I don't read your blog for like 4 days, and there's already so much!

No way can I catch up.

You should write a sum-up entry.

Happy 4th loser!! =)

Unknown said...

I kind of skimmed, but i caught this:

"what's most exasperating is trying to convince these religiously-blinded college graduates to be a little more open-minded .... i think people should be entitled to do anything that personally makes them happy, that they should have the right to live life the way they want. "

Doesn't that also entitle people to be religiously close-minded if they so choose? I guess you were specifically referring to your goofy rommates, but in general... it's something that I hear a lot and it doesn't really make sense. And in any case, I met a lot more liberal close-minded people at Rice than religiously close-minded people. If I were to announce any of my religious beliefs, I'd get slammed on. How is that open-mindedness? And I don't remember ever exibiting prejudice because of my beliefs, so I don't see why people should care.

Roopy said...

You know, these people make a point... perhaps it would be wise to write a weekly summary of your things, worst come worse maybe I'd get curious and read some of the long entries then.

But of course, that may be crampin'yo' style, and I ain't out to ruin no bro's mojo.