

feliz cumpleanos, rox my sox. put on the red light.

what good can come out of this living experience? definitely not the daddy-long legs that flew into my room as a result of one of my roommates opening the windows (i think it's hiding in the crevasses of my other bed). i realize how lucky i am to be me. happy to be myself, i suppose. and all it took were some nice roommates with messed up ideologies.

what's missing from san francisco? a general love of family. i think that's why i like LA more. my cousins (dad's side) and relatives are over there. i was beginning to like waco more too, because of my other cousins and relatives (mom's side). but i'll continue to apply for jobs here and there. maybe houston? i don't know if i can stand the weather down there EVER again.

i think i watched too much SATC. i don't know why. boredom? seasons 3-6. yup, includes parts 1 and 2. which got me to thinking about people and what they would be like in 10 years, then 20, and so forth. where will we be, if we don't even have enough time to have a meal to catch up on news.

that's what i want to do. in the movie ratatouille, the former chef can't help but cry after having such a simple yet enchanting meal. the critic also has a reaction, but not to the degree of yakitate. i already have a solution for those kinds of reactions from my food: LSD. now, with the taste/flavor/presentation, that i can work on. once i get a kitchen.

i think i'll always have a preference towards chinese food, no matter what i eat/cook, since i've grown up to it. it's comfort food i suppose. does that also work with americans and american food? what's appealing: the bowls of rice, the various plates/choices, the chopsticks, and the different items to be eaten. i think i need to take a culinary tour across the world. that would be expensive, going to a place just to eat their food only to travel to another area the next day.

1 comment:

X X said...

you're american too, d-bag. Lolz.

miss ya, J