

songs: my opinion of clare's friend mike was meh, until i heard him say that he bought a greatest hits album of alba.

books: against my better judgment, i decided to take more recommendations from drab and clare. i returned my sherlock holmes book because i knew i would never go through that giant paperweight, and i already had holmes at home. today's random book purchases: sputnik sweetheart (murakami), me talk pretty one day (sedaris), and east of eden.

i later on realized, after reading the backs, that two of them deal with love. perhaps i will give love a chance. in text only. just say yes.

write too much, psh. it only takes 10 minutes to blog one post. -after reading hesse's comment- join your threesome?! EW! i am DEFINITELY getting back to work. i also decided against harry potter at the store. i already know what happened, as that book's still not worth it at that price.

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