

ways to ruin my morning: reading the new GA post by hesse about captain basch. i want to bash your head against a rock.

today i woke up at 8 AM. partially because i couldn't fall asleep last night. partially because i want to get my studying done for today so that i won't have to tonight. i walked outside to find a dark, cloudy day. the same kind of day as when i arrived in the city. it bore a resemblance like that of a child whose scoop(s) of ice cream fell off his/her ice cream cone- you don't know whether to laugh at them or punch them in the face.

you did NOT just say " 'space ice cream,' BABY." HAHA! are you talking about freeze-dried ice cream? hmm, you're right, that might not sell. i know something that would- sex songs. r&b/rap. apparently it worked for some guy who was blasting it from his room as i walked by it. the lyrics? all i kept hearing was sex or sexing or sexually. sex cream truck. "come" get your sex creams.

how else to balance off my city day than with shitty food and shitty people. the imitation eggs were clumpy, textured in a bad way, and cold. textured as in studded like latex gloves so that you get grip things more easily. the awful taste gripped more easily in my mouth. the hash browns- also cold, and soggy.

what made my meal, though, is this book i'm reading now- how i learned to cook. the french chefs really are as mean as they seem in ratatouille- yelling, pots and pans flying, the works. aside from reading my book, this table seemed to contain people with the most annoying laughs. i think they became friends just because nobody else could tolerate their obnoxious laughing. this one girl sounded as if her mouth had been taped shut for centuries- she just couldn't stop exhaling forcefully from her trap. maybe it's better that somebody shut her hole again with more duct tape. i was tempted to just copy her laugh from two round tables away. what stopped me- common decency?

clare's probably off dressing and talking pretty this one day for his job interview. and out of my hair, bwahaha. hmm, yes, i don't know what i want either. except good food. i want it all. haha, impreza, good choice. the older or newer version(s)? MAYBE a girlfriend?! you're one of those people?! oh no!!! my aunt actually thought about starting up mexican restaurant chains in asia. perhaps it would succeed, if people like you crave it so much over there?

i finished my breakfast with one of the more perfect grapefruit halves i've eaten in serveries across the u.s.- that being only here, ucla, dartmouth, and rice. not too sweet, and not too bitter. and what's better than eating the pulp? pouring the juice into the bowl and then drinking it. now if only the bowl were more thoroughly cleaned by the staff- a minor issue? i decided not to spoil the end of my morning with a sugar-glazed donut. i threw it away.

i come back to see an email in my mailbox warning me that drab left me a message. ugh. i'm going to lay in bed.

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