
nuclear wintour

pet peeve: horrible teachers who waste my time lecturing straight out of the book. i complain when they give too much information, i complain when they give just the right amount straight out of the book.

audrey hepburn was still a pretty woman at 59. anna wintour wears HER sunglasses at night. she's not that attractive, yet she commands fashion trends like no other.

there was this movie that i liked back in the day where a mannequin comes to life and the guy falls for her. the movie was actually called Mannequin, but i discovered that the woman was Kim Cattrall. the same kim cattrall that plays samantha on sex and the city?! no way.

my other books shipped and yet i'll probably have no idea when it'll arrive.

psh, july 4th BY MYSELF i said! and what the hell are your mom and hunior doing up here for independence day?!

baby cousin katherine. 13 weeks old. how am i supposed to open up a .dat file with my mac? my roommate hates macs because decades ago, when he was using the mac 2E or some shit, he didn't like it. so he bases the next generation of computers off one that, as far as anyone's concerned, is obsolete. that's his rationale for picking a pc over a mac. not anything rational like the software compatibility, nor the programming. one old computer.

is it okay to wear the swastika? hitler made the symbol notorious for events that we all know about. but wasn't that emblem also used previously in the hindu, buddhist religions? i wonder if my roommate realizes the difference between the right-facing and left-facing swastikas. or sauwastika. he thinks it's not right for japanese kids to wear shirts bearing that symbol because it reflects their support for nazism. even if they don't support Nazi's, and they're completely aware of what the symbol represents in Western culture, should they be allowed or forbidden to wear it?


Jesse said...

they came up to hang out with YOU!!

Josh said...

Bryce needs to comment on this one, I think...

Bryce said...

do you your roommate read my blog together??