
if i ever gave a fuck about you

hormonal imbalance again. i'm getting that kind of feeling others would call "love." i call it nausea.

psh why is it exciting to have a man-crush on adam levine? oh, i will, and i DID compare them. WHAT NOW?!

oh right. apparently blue eyes were well-fitted for europeans living in climates where they don't get a lot of sun. blue eyes are better able to capture sunlight, produce vitamin D and whatnot. SO sexy. although they're not so great for when you go to the beach on a really sunny day.

anton ego- my idol. i saw ratatouille yesterday by myself. i purchased the blue raspberry icee, to try it. it was ice and blue fanta soda. i spilled some on me while watching the movie. there's a light blue stain on my shirt with the sock-monkey. at the end of the movie, people starting clapping. WHY?!

"good food is like music you can taste." don't mice/rats have a better-developed olfactory system? how will we be able to push that threshold for smell? if smell consists of the majority of what we're tasting. my next venture will be french food. i wouldn't mind having a french bistro when i'm older. NO DESSERTS. i might compromise on coffee. and berets.


i have a man-crush on adam levine right now. just because of the music video. futuristic airports with sexually charged stewardesses, high fashion world, oddly set in the LA airport. you'd think that, when the airport becomes futuristic, they would have dealt with the terrible seats on the aircraft. looks like they haven't. adam levine > john mayer (that's right hesse/jalto) any day of the week.

being able to raise one eyebrow, OH MAN. and his lips. i'd make out with him. no sex. oh yeah, my roommate keeps asking me if i ever made out with a man? i told him no. it's not a complete lie. clare's just a boy. HAHA! i like how the guy pressing 3 keys on the piano is rocking out while he's doing it. hilarious. i wouldn't mind producing a platinum album. i'd first have to do some voice-training though.

so what if i'm obsessing again?

haha neelK wasn't a sexaholic. WAS he? hmm, news to me.

ooh, DTI's! i had no idea poorneel was doing that. i was actually studying that in my neuro class. complicated voxels and shit.


pardon my one-day lapse in blogging.

i spent 10 hours with my roommates together. we had dinner, went for a walk around the lake, along the beach, locking arms, skipping stones, meditating in a bamboo grove aura, renting a movie at blockbuster but not watching it, hanging out at the other apartments where the power was out. i think i'm making friends here. replacing my moderate rice friends with extremists? AGH! they like 80s music, they like comics. oh yeah, they like asian girls. the lebanese guy, the hispanic guy- they like tiny asian girls. both are more likely than not going to marry an asian girl as well- they've verbally expressed this intent. well, they're not going to run out of them over here any time soon. have at it.

my roommate has a tendency to accuse every same-sex couple that's holding hands or locking arms as either gay or lesbian. he likes to label people. in any case, his gaydar is way off. and i'm going to need an asexuality shirt just to stop this judging gaze of theirs. i don't get how bisexuality AND asexuality automatically defaults to homosexuality. maybe they just want me to be gay since gay > straight? i wouldn't mind sticking a dildo up his butt to traumatize him for the rest of his life. HAHA, so evil. or not evil enough?

he also wouldn't marry the "right one" or the love of his life if his mother disapproved. it's essentially an arranged marriage in itself.
the other roommate also doesn't believe in gay marriages since he thinks that marriage is still between a man and a woman. he's christian, perhaps baptist.
keep in mind that these two individuals are from california. exactly.

i had no idea that the maroon 5 song, makes me wonder, was about bush.

my roommate said that if he were ever to become a despot/dictator, he would hire me to head the gestapo. SWEET! this roommate wants to show me the movies rosemary's baby, one flew over the cuckoo's nest, and chinatown. apparently these films are timeless classics? anybody disagree?

those people that ran the cars into the airport terminals in london- amateurs. home-made explosive and nails. if you were to become a terrorist, you'd think that they would at least think things out more carefully before executing the plan. hmm does that sound like i'm supporting terrorism? if lying by omission is still lying, is terrorism by omission still terrorism?


three azn women

new hit(s): [montevideo, charleston, new york, nashua, san diego]

i was busy eating my cereal when out of the corner of my eye i see three Asian women, girls should be more appropriate, snickering out of the corner of my mind. high school girls. any who, i turned to look at them, to see what they wanted, and they started asking me why i was eating only cereal. anyhow, they kept asking if i were Chinese, what i spoke, and to sit with them since it's awkward talking across two different tables. i sat with the three of them: jennifer, nicky, and jenny.

jennifer asked me to guess what ethnicity she was. i guessed half-Asian, half-Hispanic. she's Filipino. she's a Filipino who hates having dark skin. Nicky and jenny are Asian. they're very open about calling Hispanics burritos or enchiladas. 18 and 17-year-old high school girls. GAWD. i don't know what's worse: them or my two premed roommates arguing about how people need to travel to gain a better perspective versus learning about the place online. oh wait, what's more annoying than that: my two roommates coming into the apartment later to tease me about macking on 3 girls, playing my game and some shit. maybe they should go back to high school as well. jesus christ, 25 and 27 years of age and still acting like that.

today was an odd day. it wasn't particularly raining- it was more like walking through the cooling areas at Six Flags where they continually spray mist. the Six Flags in texas, anyway. that's the extent of San Francisco rain? how terrible.

i became obsessed with cottage cheese because the rest of the food is shitty. as well as carrot sticks dipped in ranch.

final countdown

so my roommate's finally leaving this weekend. WHOO! so is the other premed. GOD i hope you never have them as your doctors. one self-righteous christian who is too stubborn to open his mind to other perspectives and believes that he's SO smart/right about everything, claiming that he loves taking science tests when he switched from science to history as his declared major. the other is a sexaholic who claims to be muslim yet breaks all the basic tenets of his religion. they laugh about all the patients that they've seen as EMT's. do you want immature people being the next generation of doctors? they're having troubles dealing with atomic radii on the periodic table. yeah, i think i am tired of them.

al gore's daughter is attending UCSF med school. never knew that. she's also marrying some chinese businessman 8 years her senior from LA. bill lee was his name?

400 pages of science in the next few days. MMM. i finally accessed my voicemail, and the lady actually left a message!!! AGH!!! that's what i get for switching over to a phone that won't read the voice mailbox number off my SIM card. i also got clare and dwarfy's message some saturday night- they both sounded really drunk.

i found out in class yesterday why the sexy blue eye phenotype still exists.

the Victoria's Secret fashion show. i watched the 2006 one today. i didn't know that the guy who started it up, a stanford business grad, was from San Francisco. i had no idea the SF Pride parade is also world-renowned.


took the midterm last night. unsatisfied. i also woke up late for class today. 100 minutes late, that is. i had this feeling he'd take attendance today, so i waited until class ended and people started leaving. i crept in through the back and saw people lining up at the front to sign the sheet. i went to my next class- boring as hell. they still do scantrons here.

oh china. first their pet foods, now fish imports. what more problems are going to come out of that country even before the olympics?

my books aren't coming in. maybe i should just finish the god delusion until then.

the beginning of goodnight goodnight sounds a little like 3 doors down's kryptonite.

psh, of course clare's gone. he's in new york now, and he better stay there. miss you?! the only missing was the bullet aimed for your head at the airport. it hit the dog leading the blind man instead.

i might be in the same boat as janey. not the one crossing the pacific. the self-loathing asian premed boat.

i kind of have a mustache. as much of a mustache as any asian can get. sarcasm, eh?

i was laying in bed last night just thinking about death again. counting down the days until you kick the bucket. with such a scarcity of time, would it be wise to be integrated into society, become a productive participant? my roommate asked me if i were a loner. i told him my threshold for loneliness is much, much higher than his. codependency issues, that boy. the longest he's been out of a relationship is 1.5 years. can you reach adulthood/"grow up" and finally develop your own identity/existence if you're in a relationship where you can essentially put aside your own issues to lie in the comfort of another person who will basically support you in a similar fashion to people that turn to religion when they find themselves lost/without answers/in despair?

start of the weekend. no more thinking. my lychees started molding in the fridge. i threw out the trash today. why my parents buy food for me even when they know i won't eat it is still a mystery to me.

yi jianlian- another asian in the nba?


superior colliculus

i don't know... with all these chefs recently suing each other left and right over intellectual property... million dollar lawsuits, all over a plate of food. whatever.

quiz 2: 20/20. on my way to an A, if only i hadn't messed up my presentation on blindsight today. ugh. i felt like i was rambling, unprepared. always with presentations in front of class. at least i didn't turn beet red like i usually do when i present in front of an audience. not sure- maybe because i'm nervous? i was fine this time, except for the speech. i learned at the last minute- this morning before class started- that i was supposed to present the part about blindsight and its definitions. UGH. hopefully he didn't take off too many points. that just puts more pressure on me to do well on the midterm due tonight at 11:55. only 3 more weeks of neuro. sad?

so silly. i've been wasting away my afternoon looking at the dartmouth md/phd program. i even went so far as to download the info packet to read. i also looked at ucsf's md and mstp programs. it does sound rigorous, although there are reasons for not going. i applied to another job. it's part-/ full-time research and only has a 6-month requirement, so it'd be great to do that along with classes/volunteering. why pick well-rounded individuals over those that excel in their respective fields? beats me.

MAYBE i'll try "me talk pretty one day." always left unsatisfied with other's book recommendations after having finished reading them. i'm STARVING.

GrimGrimoire- yes/no? looks like La Pucelle. more videogame reviews from garedux, please. you guys are slacking in your blogging.

my mustache has a red whisker.


you cry?

new hit(s): [shreveport, pleasanton]

maroon 5- makes me wonder. makes me want to dance, except my roommate isn't leaving until saturday or sunday. damnit.

quiz 1: 20/20. whoo. quiz 1a: 1/1. whoo. 1 more quiz/midterm to go by tomorrow night. that's right, i still haven't done them. i could have partied more on the weekend. oh well.

so maybe i will have a challenge this summer. two more science classes started for me. one teacher is a redhead who was wearing a white t-shirt with a dog printed smack-dab in the center. i am not going to enjoy that class. she has jury duty this week, and cancelled wednesday's class. HER car had a blowout on the freeway yesterday night, so i didn't have her class today. the other class- is some grad student who's setting the average at a B-/C+. only 8-10% of the class will earn an A- about 10 more or less. at least i'm getting a week off from that class next week to catch up.

ooh. poorneel's working for two years. perhaps we both will be in the same applicant pool? does that mean i have to retake the mcat? what's the expiration date: 3 or 5 years?

perhaps clare will get the internship in NY and be out of my hair. bwahaha. clare is ??????. let me fill in those ?'s: j-a-c-k-a-s-s.

am i shelving culinary school? just to satisfy my parents' wishes or my own? how confucian/asian of me. i wonder what they'd think if i became a high-class prostitute. i need to get me one of those asexuality shirts. except i forgot the link.

speaking of link- that video on gamers': terrible. hate you hesse, wasting minutes of my life on that video.

me talk more pretty

i have a partner/coworker. JEEZ. oh yeah, so he was responsible for bringing the powerpoint to class today, and he punctured his tire on the freeway! i bet he did that just to spite me. that bastard. ugh! i asked the teacher if we could present tomorrow since he never made it to class with my powerpoint, and i can't really present something when i've only read half the articles.

ew. i didn't find a replacement. the replacement found me. and i'll be done with him after tomorrow. hopefully. unless his car's going to blow up next time. and he survives.

oh yeah, dwarfy and clare are leaving. GOOD RIDDANCE! *fanfare* get out of my town! now to get rid of hesse, but how. advertise for a salsa dancing festival as bait. mwahaha.

ANOTHER book recommendation from drab? hmm. do you mean funny as in HA-HA funny, or funny as in "wait!wait!... don't tell me" funny? because if it's the latter... self-deprecating, homosexual, greek expatriate. ugh more public radio?!

wonchon is, yet again, bothering me, telling me that we're meant to be together at the same med school. i went to bed; i refused to talk to him any longer.

the feeling of mail; that's not yours. all my roommates are getting some kind of mail- financial aid, a credit card. i made two orders from amazon and they have yet to arrive. incompetent workers, defunct mailing system here. agh.

was it bad of me to quickly get up out of my chair, throw away my meal, and hurry out of the dining center just to avoid sitting with/talking to my roommate? this is the lebanese one, who isn't supposed to have premarital sex, should pray at least 5 times a day since he's muslim. he also wanted me to introduce him to my Bi-friends, since he's never met a bisexual before.

i'll give LA band maroon 5 a try. their new album.



ENEMAGRA! japanese term. sounds like a monster godzilla would fight. apparently you can achieve a bed-shaking orgasm and end up growling like a bear from this prostate massager. 3 minutes longer than the typical male-orgasm, with your entire body quivering.

Sue Johanson is Canadian?!

i should probably finish my current books before moving onto the next ones. i have holmes on shelf, with two more vonnegut on the way. i'm going to give machiavelli's the prince a try. how i learned to cook- kim witherspoon (nonfiction). they were marked off 80%, and i needed black printer ink. so i ordered it all online. come to think of it, my other purchase from Amazon hasn't even arrived yet, and it's been almost two weeks.

i'm giving tolkien a try. not the silmarillion nor the LOTR trilogy. The Children of Hurin. the archaic language difficulty is supposedly between silmarillion and LOTR. a fantasy book, i suppose.

i ALMOST bought socrates in love since it was also cheap- around 3/4 dollars. i deleted it at the last minute.

i finally met my partner today, after having gone to the wrong person first and asking him if he were han.

the more and more i talk to him, the more he sounds like elle. ugh no wonder i hate him so much. seriously, he says "there" like "dare."

BREAD! i keep hearing things. my subconscious talking?


somewhere right on the rainbow

yeah, he's probably a terrorist. then again, i'm probably an infidel.

today: partner didn't bother to show up on campus/call me. so we're pretty much fucked for the presentation. ugh.

yup, studying for neuro. just ready to get this over with.

i rode the muni again. to castro. we went to the civic center area where the main events were happening for the gay pride parade/festivities. only this time it was more men than women in the crowds, them shirtless this time. very unattractive people there. hairy backs, hairy asses, dongs and thongs galore.

once i got to castro, i exited the station and stood outside on the corner of castro and market. a few minutes later while waiting for dwarfy clare and hesse this one asian (?) guy with lengthy bangs colored red at the tips walked towards/past me and told me, "i like the shirt. it's really cute." i told him thanks. got hit on for the first time? i was doing so well too. then my attention turned to the diesel store right behind me, so i decided to go in there and check out their jeans. i wanted the white pair and the black pair. there was a sale- 50% off- but i decided not to buy anything since i didn't feel like walking around with shopping bags in addition to my backpack.

i caught up with them at the corner, and they brought along their friend, sarah. we went over to the civic center, saw people drunk off their asses at 5 in the afternoon, walked past some concerts and street vendors. we basically were just walking and walking FOREVER. at some point, i was busy looking at the stalls and seeing what food looked tasty. all of a sudden i turned to look directly ahead and what appeared to be a giant balloon was headed in my direction. i assumed that whoever was holding the balloon would turn and avoid me so that we wouldn't run into each other. the person didn't turn! the thing ran RIGHT INTO ME! then i turned around, hurt at the neck, wondering what clare, hesse, and doerfy were laughing about. UGH! it turned out that the balloon was in fact a GIANT INFLATABLE PENIS. with lipstick on the tip! UUUGGGHHHHH!!!!! i was kissed by a giant penis!

embarrassing moments happening to me. ONLY when i'm around rice people. jesus christ.

we had seafood at castagnola's over by fisherman's wharf. the waiter told me that the portions were substantial. i didn't believe him. i ordered two dishes: lobster ravioli in alfredo sauce and the fried seafood combo platter. the guy gave me this weird look saying that it was going to BE A LOT. i told him to bring both dishes to the table at the same time. the ravioli: alfredo sauce was a little creamy, i might have preferred a red/marinara sauce instead. lobster meat was also dry. the fried seafood- french fries were thin/hard but interesting. cole slaw could have used more zest/tang- it wasn't sour enough, and it lacked flavor even though there was some mayonnaise in it. i think they picked the shittiest/tiniest oysters to fry and put on the platter as well. the scallops were decent as well as the fried fish. my favorite fried item on the plate would have been the prawns. for what i paid, it wasn't worth it.

hesse and doerfy were putting their arm around me in the car while clare was driving me back to the station so that i could take the M-line back home. human contact-cringe.

i was dropped off at the embarcadero station. i took several trains outbound. this was 9:30. i waited at van ness for the M line. it came in the opposite direction, but i took it anyway, and it reversed on the track all the way back to ocean view/campus. i got stuck in the muni with these annoying teenagers who were singing britney spears' "lucky" way off-key. i got back to my apt. around 11. UGH!

there's still lipstick on my neck from the attack of the 5-foot-long penis. WHY?!?!

bearded lady

the minimum GPA for pharmacy school is 2.80. what the hell?! i guess all they do is push drugs- that doesn't require much "skill" does it? options: PharmD/Ph.D. (a step up i would say- Ph.D. > PharmD).

plans in next few days: take quizzes/midterms, finish that fucking ppt. presentation (it's 2 pm, and my partner hasn't called- he said he was free in the morning until 4 pm. bitch), call about volunteering at a children's hospital and azn cardio center, call to cancel my volunteer status at TCh and return the i.d. badge.

more later: yachts, food, ex-roommates, etc.

old dykes

new hit(s): [istanbul, liverpool, middlesborough, lisbon, santiago, tucson, calgary, norwood]

ugh. pinky. TOO CORNY! i hate you hesse.

crap. i left my shades in clare's glove compartment. when will i ever get them back?!

oh no. you, B-米, of all people, loving all over my blog?! terrible.

i was so angry last night i almost forgot about PRIDE.

talking about sex? mature? could be. depends on who you're talking to about it.

i rode the muni for the first time to meet clare and dwarfy at dykes on bikes. those bikes were great, the dykes even better. the concert held at mission dolores park-so many BOOBS dangling everywhere out in the open. people making out on the grass, standing, with/without tongue, everything basically. it looked like a circus at some point. there was actually a mini-circus on the outskirts of the park.

i just have this hunger craving for nutritionally-defunct hot dogs. i don't know why. if you can put pretty much anything between two sandwich slices, can you put anything between two buns? another craving- fried chicken. deep fried chicken, not pan-fried chicken, although baked chicken wings would be nice, too. i almost considered eating KFC last night for dinner, just like i'd eat KFC all the time in the summer at archstone medical.

OH, right. king of thai noodle cafe. i had a large bowl of tum yum gai and a beef stew noodle soup with flat rice noodles. clare had some eggplant thing. after all that terrible walking (my leg/ass hurt), we managed to find a place other than korean since the korean place already took their last customers. besides having too much msg in the soup, the noodle soup had tender beef and decent flat noodles.

2 birthdays tomorrow- leigh-uh and clare. finally turning 22. jeez. was the '90s the best decade ever? my roommates were arguing last night that there may be this time in the future where there will be peace and happiness all around the world, but in order for that to occur, terrible events have to happen first. i can't wait. really.

christianity vs. islam

FIGHT! i wonder who's going to K.O. the other one first?

so i discussed my dilemma with clare, about my roommates invading the living room and bothering me while i'm trying to study.

my solution: go to my room to study since they're talking outside. the library on campus also closes early in the summer- damn public schools.

anyway, i'm busily studying in my room, and all of a sudden they all decide to come in and talk about hamas, religion being the root of all evil in politics with the middle east, primal urges, the inherent inalienable right to polygamy, impeachment, conspiracy theories, etc. AHHHH! SHUT THE FUCK UP!

so that solution of studying in my room didn't work out so well.

they also akin me to fast food, you think you're full, but you're never actually satisfied.

ew. stop shitting your love all over my blog. clean it up. psh, ready to party?! you don't even go out anymore, OLD MAN! hanging out with married people, not drinking, not living it up in SF while you're still here. BORING. NEXT!

the brain is just too sexy. i might actually want to concentrate on neuro-logy/-science.


hanging gardens of babylon

by lesbian club tomorrow do you mean saturday or sunday?

writing later. printing ppt's, pdf's, shitloads of paper. what sucks is that the teacher put all his powerpoint slides on a black background (a blackground?), so even though i just replaced my black ink cartridge, it's slowly eating away its soul.

candace bushnell dropped out of Rice in the 1970s- wiki. one of the season 5 episodes of sex and the city is in SF. episode 7: the big journey.



"recruit a team of teenagers with ATTITUDE." -Zordon

HAHA! i can't believe he actually says that in the beginning credits of the show. oh, what were we watching as kids?!

AGH! and david yost is balding now.

you come out of college thinking you know everything, and then somehow you end up living with three other people for the summer who think THEY know everything about the world. somehow, i don't see that. coming from liberal california, but from a public university. somehow that makes me glad that i went to a private university. altered perception of the world.

impact factor! that's the word.

i fell into an existential pit the other day. i started thinking about death- the end of all as you know it- and what actually happens, why some people like to be comforted with an afterlife, how bleak it seems when all you do is rot in the ground devoid of a mind/consciousness. does your consciousness linger around? that's it. done. over. what you've done during your lifetime- infinitesimally small. you are a small man in a large universe. everything you've thought to be meaningful in your life, all your accomplishments, are meager when placed against the backdrop of time and beyond. i frequently thought about death when i was a kid. even throughout high school i would either sit or lay in bed just wondering what really matters.

i don't feel like writing tonight. i'd rather read more neuroanatomy. all this mumbo-jumbo about matrices is making me reconsider whiskey. bottoms up!

gross anatomy

psh i knew you two were having sex. sickos. and stop having sex all over the bed sheets. ew. i would never want to go to sleep in a shallow pool of smelly, salty water. all my friends are too horny, yet all my roommates are prudes when i comes to partying/drinking/dancing, and they talk about sex as if we're still in high school.

psh, you and nants might have been better roommates, but i don't miss EITHER of you. oh, janey, how exaclty do i go about finding a prof to research under? what should i be looking for? i remember when you were looking for someone at NIH- were there websites for that stuff: funding, publications, some ranking system for them, etc.

if you had a dental dam, or your partner got two enemas and didn't eat the night before, would you eat them out? tocus-lingus, is that it?

my roommates also taught me what a donkey punch is. during sex when you're doing her doggy style, you're supposed to punch her REALLY hard in the back of the head so that she buckles and gets tight, ensuring a more pleasurable orgasm for the giver. i just thought the punching in the back of the head was hilarious.

except i didn't quite catch what they were talking about when they said felching (sp?).

i think my roommates wanted to go wine-tasting in Napa Valley. or was that clare?

i'm doing my readings/studying this afternoon, and for what purpose: so that i can party tonight or the weekend. so much for being a mature adult who's driven and has his priorities straight. OH WELL. i started looking at postbacc places in CA, NY, TX, and yes, MD for after this summer. who knows where i'll end up.

ein mut

i finished special topics. the ending was more exciting than the rest of the book. she could have saved more paper if she took out some of the material, condensing it to, say, a readable amount of 300 pages versus 510. all these books carrying messages about love and life: disgusting.

2 more books coming on the way. i guess i could read more holmes.

i leave rice to get away from the construction only to end up dealing with the construction right outside my window: they're repaving the parking lot, i suppose.

i'm always having to explain to my roommates that i'm not going out late at night for a booty call. it's just clare, wanting to hit up another bar/dance club. they think i'm sensitive, too. have they got me all wrong.

this time: popscene. SF's premier indie music club. the music was eclectic as were the people- CSS, aretha franklin, madonna, new order, some other names that clare told me but i was too drunk to care to remember. doerfy proably would have enjoyed this music more than i did. the first partially straight/gay club i've been to in SF. so my tolerance has drastically dropped from college, which wasn't that high to begin with. so i'm a cheap date. so what?

i ended up meeting two of clare's friends from his high school who were hanging out at this gay asian club, or asian gay club, not sure if that makes a difference. i think their names were carl and lunani. lunani's cute, but she would have been more attractive if she were taller and had a more mature/older look. she looked like she were wearing something crassie would wear.

i went to bed around 2:30/3:00 this time, hungry yet too tired to make anything. i think my metabolism allows me to just experience inebriation and the hangover all within a 2-3 hour time span. there's nothing really that carries over to the next there. it just hangs.

are some people getting too OLD for that lifestyle of nighttime partying? cough *hesse and doerfy* cough.


excusez moi

sirens of titan was 326 pages long. so what.

i was wondering where that chipmunk was from- my cousin's using it for his facebook profile.

this calamity in physics is getting very tedious. people need to die already.

my partner never stayed after class. that fucker. how am i supposed to get this project done? standing in front of class and talking for 15 minutes. jeez, that's going to feel like forever. my topic is blindsight.

must eat at zuma, hong kong.

today's lecture was about audition. we only covered the outer, middle, and inner ear. no discussion about how the brain responds to vibrations from pressure waves and the skull. there was a lecture about migraine headaches from a group of students as well. this one guy said that his migraines depended on what he ate in his diet. he said that dairy, eggs for example, would cause his once-a-year migraines. since when is egg classified under dairy products?! ugh, the people in my class.

my roommates don't believe in drinking, smoking, other drugs recreational or otherwise.

we had a long conversation last night. what's the theme? oh right, sex. the same theme i have with all previous male roommates. they distracted me from my studies. i didn't get to chapter 5, 7, and the first half of 12. argh.

my roommate asked me if i were bulimic. he also asked a lot of questions since he's so forward about everything. 10 more days. hopefully.

Tupock, Tennessee. 1992. Lost but not Found: People who Vanished Without a Trace and Other Baffling Events. Chapter 4: Violet May Martinez. 8/29/1985, last seen in the Great Smoke Mountains National Park between Blindmans Bald and Burnt Creek. Still a mystery up to this day.- the kids might be going there for spring break in this book.

the UCSF cancer center received an anonymous $150 million dollar donation. who has that kind of money lying around to be able to just donate it as he/she sees fit?


perish/die: same thing

so this duo at UCSF in 1987 found out the ion selectivity filter of the potassium channel. later on, some guy at Brandeis did something with scorpion toxins blocking those channels. his student, working at rockefeller, determined the 3D structure of the K+ channel. he got a nobel prize in 2003. student surpasses master?

does the teacher get any reward for mentoring the student? or just a simple acknowledgment in his speech?

do you ever hear of any 2nd or lower-tiered universities coming out with innovative publications? bottom-dwellers? then again, some liberal arts universities (or was it colleges) are electing to not be ranked by u.s. news and instead are publishing some variation of the grading system online.

my book is written by an HHMI prof at MIT, co-authored by two prof's from Brown. Do the credentials of the person authoring the book necessarily/accurately reflect the quality of instruction.

i'm making notes of the chapters. if textbooks were bound paperbacks the size of one of my leisure books, i'd be more likely to read it.

trigeminal neuralgia- the worst pain humans can endure is to the face? even worse than childbirth. hmm, somehow i can't relate to that.

time zone differences don't register for me. i think i've lived in PST my entire life.

ah yes, back to research. janey talked to me over the summer about this ideal life of hers being married to a fellow colleague doing collaborations on research. even if i pursued a career in research, the research interests would probably be too discrepant. the answer's still no.

knock a little louder

john travolta as a woman? i might just have to see hairspray, if only for that.

no no no. no daydreams about sex with people. it stops after a certain point- when i get grossed out by it.

they had pasta again. with pesto sauce.

i got desperate and made something new for me. it's not a novel invention, but i started cutting up banana slices and putting them in my cereal.

i'm haunted by ghost(s). what is it that you're supposed to do to exorcise the spirit? acknowledge its presence and some other mumbo jumbo. i forget.

all these facebook applications are disgusting. i'll probably cave and add one someday like everyone else.

constantly reminding oneself that time isn't being wasted, that what you're doing is worthwhile- too flighty to settle for just one thing.

the teacher didn't take attendance today. i didn't have to go to class. why didn't i?!

academia: publish or die.

trannyformers: men dressed in disguise

new hits: [linz, katowice, sheffield, courbevoie, provo, winston salem]

is there a problem with socialized medicine? i never knew.

today for lunch: garlic alfredo _____ ____. fill in the blanks? it's none other than PASTA BAKE! whoo, what a surprise!

good thing i actually went out on the town with clare to have japanese food. one week of DC food (they call it dining centers here) made me realize why i refused to eat servery food last year. the only problem is that i paid for a 10-meal per week plan. they just suck the money out of you left and right at this university. they won't even let you take food in/out of the dining hall.

my partner in neuro finally emailed me to talk about meeting for the project. his english grammar isn't that great- i wonder if he'she will be okay. is han in korean a guy's or girl's name?

so my head is still dizzy/buzzed from last night. i went to a tranny show. rather, i went to dinner and had no choice but to go to a tranny show since clare was driving me around town. we had japanese food. i ordered two donburi. one had tempura on it with too much tempura sauce soaked into the rice, the other had little tuna with not enough sauce in the rice. i probably should have combined the two together so that each would complement the other's deficiencies. the salads were tiny and unsatisfying. their miso soup had fried tofu in it, an interesting twist i suppose.

apparently blue bottle sells orgasmic coffee, and it also tastes great. i will test this theory at the cost of my sensitive bladder and digestive system.

creations: 山留许, a chinese desserts shop with poor table service and even poorer desserts. so if you ever come across sago in a chinese menu, know that it means 西米, or "western rice." this supposedly translates into what we all know and maybe love: tapioca. not giant black tapioca balls; rather, they're the standard white/clear ones that you find in tapioca pudding, perhaps a bit larger. my choice: sago with mango and pomelo. too little pomelo, too much sago.

it was still comparatively better than what servery food will ever amount to.

when i heard tranny show, i expected an extravaganza. i was disappointed to find out that there was only one headliner and the three of us (doerfy joined us later) were sequestered into the billiard room, stocked with only one pool table. the difficulty in trying to watch the performance from the overhead t.v. and mirror on the wall didn't help with my enjoyment.

another night, a few more secrets. shhh. the majority of the people at the gay bar were unattractive. my inability to be attracted by either sex further confirms my asexuality. i felt no sexual tension there, whatsoever. i really should just stick to food and/or books. i had a rum and coke, and a hefeweizen.

breakfast at baghdad cafe- standard breakfast food, not too spectacular. i ended up going to bed at 4:30 AM. i woke up for my 9 o'clock class. i'm TIRED!

no mail. again. ugh. when are my books coming in?


visions of V

oh, my stars and garters. how could you cut up the ducktales intro like that? and show it to me?! i wonder if the dvd box set is better than the chip n' dale one i bought previously.

i read one of his books, and Vonnegut haunts me forever. I was waiting in line yesterday buying printer paper and a textbook. As I turn to the right there stands what seems like a shrine all devoted to Vonnegut and his works. fucker.

my teacher made the midterm an online, 1-hour exam. open book/notes. and he's giving me 4 days after it's posted to finish it. this class is becoming more of a joke, but I guess that's ok since it'll allow me time to study for my two other classes starting next week.

the premeds living with me don't care about research at all. they'd rather work on the clinical side based on the satisfaction they gained from "working with patients" as EMT's.

today for lunch: more pasta. swedish meatballs was one option. the other was some macaroni bake. yes, it was smothered in cheese. i'm pissed. i'm going to read a book to satisfy my hunger.

my appetite lost me.


trust in god, but lock your car

i have a roommate. thankfully(?) just for two weeks. he's muslim! i asked for a jew, and they sent me a muslim. meh, i can live with that. a 27-year-old muslim who can't remember names (like diane). a vegetarian whose girlfriend is from beijing. she speaks a little cantonese. my ethernet chord represents a physical separation of the room into our respective halves. it wasn't intentional. he just happened to arrive unexpectedly. he said he's looking for an o/c place to live, so maybe he'll be out by july 1. just a few seconds ago, he was hovering around the entrance to our room, staring at me. aggHHH.

he's telling me that there's this internal struggle among ABC's and those born on the mainland. HUH? well, his girlfriend seems to think so.

i guess that is true. i do enjoy extremes.

HAHA, maury?! part asian?! now that, i don't see.

it's not love. it's electricity.

the Smokies- aptly named because of the natural haze that hangs over it, masking its hideousness. 怪不得. there's also a natural fog here that conceals its inner fugly.

i'm going to be mired in this bog of a town until late august. i want to whip all those high school students visiting my school. racist pricks- picking on the little asian kids, asking them why don't they go to chinatown to eat dinner.

what to do afterwards. tour the world. take over the restaurant? my parents might sell the restaurant soon, hand it over for some lump-sum. my brother told my control units to sell the property.

happy belated father's day. ?.

gay rules to dating? what?!

bete noir

AH! as i was reading comfortably with just a tank top and my panties on, i get this sudden knock-knock-knocking on my door. i have a roommate? whAT?!

ugh. how embarrassing. so vulnerable. i made small talk with him, and was fortunate enough that he would leave, giving me enough time to climb out of bed and get dressed so that he wouldn't see my striped green panties. jesus.

live near to the great smoky's, eh? well, i'll be sure NOT to go by there, then!

what makes you think that the power bestowed upon a u.s. diplomat would go to my head? cheap goods and services, hmm? that's true. i have not been able to find my fufu in a pastel sea rampant with chinese restaurants.

good, or blow up the world?! only two choices? what happened to all that lies between the two extremes?

pain the town red. page 210 of special topics.


synaptic transmission

4 dollars in quarters spent on washing my laundry. i mean, 4 quarters in dollars. 4 quarters inserted into the coin slot to do just washing. another 3 will do the drying. they're milking me like a cow. just squeeze and roll your fingers down. squeeze and roll.

well, i learned something today, didn't i?! NO THANKS to your book, DRAB! i hope you get mauled by a very snuggly bear.

that fucking bear on the snuggles fabric softener container was haunting me the other day at safeway. i just had to try that new scent until i looked down at the price tag. 8 dollars for fabric softener?! what else is expensive here compared to texas? gas prices. certain foods. oh, can't forget the real estate, that's a big one.

my roommate asked what i was going to do about living after summer. i couldn't tell him that i might be staying in SF for fear that he'd ask me to room with him and our other current roommate, so i told him my plans weren't definite.

on to? neuroanatomy, the somatic sensory system.

before, i would rely on others for news/current events. something's different. i was reading B-米's blog and knew exactly what he was talking about w.r.t. the gold farmers. world of warcraft, ugh. constantly reminded of xi chen. my roommate and now the news. wang jianmin. otherwise known as wang chien-ming. yankees.

i actually considered being a u.s. diplomat- i was searching through facebook's career center, and then going through the census/state.gov website. i don't know anything about government; i'm not sure why i was looking.

de rigueur

there was this interesting girl named cinnamon who went to my middle or high school for a short time. she got knocked up. she's not so interesting anymore.

wild mushroom risotto. what's so wild about packaged mushrooms from the convenience store?

i bought a gre prep book. i guess i'll be taking it sometime. the end of the summer?

why am i in a rush to read so many books. great smoky mountains? never knew they existed. my U.S. geography is limited to the south and west.

this mural on the wall of the dining hall is so strange. it's a caricature of this black man eating sushi, an indian woman eating a chinese bun, and a white girl eating a hot dog while the white guy eats a sub, all staged in front of the golden gate, mission street, and some guy in the lion costume for the chinese lion dance.

my roommates don't party. they remind me of me pre-4-year college experience. it's fine and everything, but i'm not sure if i can actually go back to being that kind of person. yes, i've had a taste of the devil water and i want more. now hand me a bottle of jack and a bottle of coke.

servery food sucks. the 2-mile walks to chinatown may be worth it. i've seen photos of the french laundry from food blogs. i need to go.

at dinner, i was thinking again about some question clare posed to me while we were in the village last semester. it was a question about friends and who i hated the least. i still don't know. cyung0? excuse me?! correction: mococoa @ gmail.

my roommate's dad asked me if i were asian. i've never gotten that reaction before, where a person couldn't tell that i'm asian. there's always a first for everything.

cat's cradle

mark. 47. colquittfam. dubrav? zodiac sign- appropriate, as it is fitting to drab's novels that he recommends- a bore.

yes, i hate you. UGH! the only emotion i felt was hatred/anger, and that i feel all the time. you did nothing special. what i would like my life to be colored with is a plate of heavenly food. instead, all i get is pasta and the various failed attempts by the dining hall. they call them dining halls here, not the servery. the available options for lunch in the warm foods line: lasagna, and pasta romanoff.

little poop cousin? ugh stop asking about the postcard! i told my cousins to send it up here; i'm not going to read it though. it's only going to distract from the now. more book recommendations! more cowbell!

vonnegut rated himself on his books. only cat's cradle and slaughterhouse 5 received an A-plus. sirens of titan- an A. i'm going to trust vonnegut on his own works and start with what i should have started: cat's cradle. hmm, well, i wouldn't want to read a great piece of work and then become disappointed in his other novels. but who's to say that i'm going to read more of his novels? fine. only cat's cradle and timequake. nothing else.

too many references in calamity physics. in one chapter of the book- around 10-20 pages, parentheses abound to these bits of esoteric information, yet i have no desire to look all of them up. one of the 10 best books in 2006 by the NYT? of course. in 2006. that's been over. i should have bought a different book.

what else to do today: take my first quiz in neuro. open book/note/audio. i get 2 attempts to make a 100.

i started having daydreams again. yesterday at the mall. at borders. in bed. apparently it's a remedy for ennui.

i found the perfect boyfriend for nants: my roommate. waxes philosophy, the search for truth. although i'm not sure how she feels about african americans and someone who doesn't like to party/drink.

itunes. browsing through the list, i was searching for any piece of music that i haven't listened to, or at least played once. everything was there, except for cambodian kane. haha.

right, cat's cradle. i used to have this piece of red/yellow/orange string that came in a book showing how to make string figures. i did that when i was a kid- jacob's ladder, cat's cradle, the eiffel tower, etc. what happened to my childhood, that loop of taut string? my mom cut it up and ties it to our luggage. it helps the family quickly and efficiently identify our baggage at the terminal so that we can get out of there as fast as possible.



quiet and clean roommates? hah, more like none. i seem to be the one causing all the trouble in this apartment. oops.

from having hair in the shower drain to slowing our internet down to 56k. yet, the drain isn't my fault; their drainage here really sucks. i'm left to pick up after myself- these long strands of FINE black hair that somehow manages to not slip through the holes of the shower drain.

the internet thing? definitely my fault. i was using the torrent, which must have run the internet limit past the 15 Gb/7 days. oy.

so i couldn't help myself. i finished the book. I HATE DRAB.

i'm starting this other book: special topics in calamity physics, by marisha pessl. in about a month, i read 4 books. not bad compared to me not having read even 4 leisure books my entire time at rice.

reading that, and THEN getting to neuro. i've starting looking at places to volunteer at for the summer. they're all beyond walking distance. i need a bicycle, pronto. this book is 500 pages long. fuck.

vonnegut is not adequate enough for me when it comes to the science fiction genre. i need an actual sci-fi/fantasy book recommendation.

pol pot and the khmer rouge.


new hits: [thanh pho ho chi minh, salzburg, warsaw, spokane, provo, tulsa, vancouver]

there's these large bubbles over SF, Parkville, and Houston, so i can't tell if any nearby cities have visited.

if i become obsessed with something, i have to read more about it.

i'm racing through the sirens of titan- at a reading speed relatively fast for me, anyway- waiting to "tear up." not happening. i'm on page 270 out of 326. almost one book in less than a week. i disgust myself. i finally understand the layered meanings of the sirens in the title, but i don't know why he picked the sirens in particular out of all the images in the rest of the book. i'm not going to finish the book today. something's stopping me.

other than that, i'm not really reading for my neuro class, which i planned to do starting around 8 or 9 this morning.

i'm speculating that the servery has, in their kitchen, stacks/tons of boxes containing dried ziti pasta. everytime i go to the servery, they're always serving a variation of ziti pasta covered with parmesan cheese. i've gotten tired of their measly servery lines. my mom tells me to go out and eat on the weekends or shop for food to cook during that time. she's also telling me the order in which i should pursue my goals, starting first with western medical school. bitch. how did i respond to her over the phone when she blabbered on about MY future? i didn't. i let the silence say everything it needed to say. that i was angry and had no intention of discussing my goals with someone pretending to be open-minded.

it's not possible to still have a crush on somebody miles away from you, is it?

i was eating lunch along with reading the book (the cover is sky-blue frittered with a pink V, filled with several spelling errors) and felt this connection to people. japan, maryland, texas, california, and so on. that was probably at the point in the book where i was reading about the massacre of the martians and the travel to mercury. mercury used to be my favorite planet.


childhood's end

3 chapters later, and i'm still reading about the background of the characters in vonnegut's book. there's just no end. ugh, i don't even know why i'm reading this book.

that R.A. that i talked to at lunch yesterday stopped me in the hall today to talk about vonnegut, since i was carrying the book down to dinner. she read breakfast of champions and said it got weird towards the end of the book.

326 pages long. i could finish it by the end of the week. i also started a study in scarlet, one portion of that huge ass holmes book. as i read, i could imagine sherlock and watson firing off remark after remark in that civilized and formalized british manner. i found it funny, much funnier than sirens of titan. the most that book can do is leave me with a smirk or a frown.

even nants bothers to im me infrequently. ugh. away with you all. i don't care about any of you, jesus.

my cousin imed me today about a postcard. he asked me if i had a friend named brad, and i responded, "WHO?!"

i read the book, but i'm not reading the book. i read the person who wrote the book, the person who has read the book, trying to dissect their brain, if you will.

i claim: hormonal imbalance. it may account for these surges/rushes of emotion that overwhelm me even as i walk back to the apartment from the servery. i start closing my eyes and stop moving when they happen. i hope nobody notices. i also hope nobody noticed me spilling black beans all over the table and my jeans at dinner tonight.

i was wondering what the sports coach meant at dinner when he said the fog was setting. then i knew what he meant when he walked outside. i never experience this before- a darkening of the city at 7:00 because the sky is overcast by clouds of grey.

timid to timbuktu

not being sleepy helps when you're trying to read a book. although i still don't see what's funny about vonnegut.

you can insult a woman by calling her footwear inexpensive and of poor quality: cheap payless shoes. why payless? collect a few timeless pieces, or follow the cycle/recycling of fashion along with everybody else?

i keep hearing this faint sound that resembles somebody snoring, but i hear it all day. the person living in the next apartment can't possibly sleep that long everyday.

i was browsing through some tv off youtube, dailymotion, divx6, particularly anime, and i came across this show called Nana. it's about two girls, complete opposites, sharing an apartment together. then i realized this could one of the two anime that clare watched back in the day, and i realized why.

looking for an apartment- i consider the location and price. if i want to pay lower prices, i might have to look for a roommate, possibly even roommateS. in this search, is it better to find quiet, clean people who don't bother you or the messy, disgusting people that are more fun to be around?

i prefer utter silence most of the time, but living in a silent apartment with two roommates seems awkward.

i was looking through the GRE prep books at borders the other day. i might go for graduate school. it wouldn't be undesirable. i would just have to get started on research again, working where: i don't know.

i've considered berkeley, Cal-state LA, UCLA for the fall. why more school? i just can't get enough of it, i suppose.

the sirens of titan. titan refers to one of the moons of saturn, i presume. what about the sirens?

i really hate it when they write the New York Times bestseller on the spine of the book, as if that alone is enough to validate the quality of the read. but which books do you pick in the bookstore or library without something to help filter out the junk?

the spurs win, granted this time i don't hear janey blogging/drooling over tim duncan. good.

i think Fox already did a reality show about living with the amish, but no sitcom as far as i know. maybe.


that's just me

what do you mean randomness?! it's all related to my day, at least how i perceive my day.

clare? tour guide?! pft. we weren't touring. we were eating and drinking, like hugh grant in about a boy.

so it's the end of my schoolweek. i'm going to try to wake up early tomorrow for breakfast and start reading some of my books. sir arthur conan doyle. i wouldn't mind being crowned sir in the U.K. Starting one of vonnegut's books- even though the language isn't that complex, the way he writes somehow doesn't flow for me. i need to reread the beginning. Malachi Constant. materialization/dematerialization- hmm.

being cold is good. it's uncomplicated.

i made that trip to safeway. it took me nearly half an hour to walk 2 miles. this safeway wasn't that impressive. half of the store had their lights blown out. i became a safeway member. no indo mie though. i wanted to buy instant noodles, but they seem to raise the prices higher relatives to the asian markets. shopping along the mini chinatowns with my parents, i still manage to find something like indo mie. now if only i could get there by car.

me? sexually mature adult? HAHA never! even those three words separated apart don't describe me. the time for the talk will NEVER come.

"people need a little human contact from time to time." for future reference, if you ever attempt to make any contact with me, you'll be able to tell from my facial expression that i'm disgusted by that.

there's a reason for pain.

it would be interesting to live in an amish community, if and only for a short term.

cauda equina

HAHA! damn, and here i thought people didn't read through my posts since they were, or used to be, so long and daunting. perhaps i'll start that up again, although i don't know how i'm going to deal with those who read NYT, the new yorker, or the economist. and yes, i was expecting to see middle-aged tourists with fanny packs. hugh grant in about a boy?! i liked the movie, but something was off about his character.

I talk more with the RA on the first floor of the building (i live on 6th) than my roommates. she's a journalism major transferred from UCI who wants to work with web news for BBC in or about the middle eat, i wasn't sure which. she also said that UCI was too suburban- the only place of note is a 24 hour convenience store or diner. i was half-paying attention to her, if you can't tell. i sat by myself to read the SF weekly about the summer blockbusters that i should watch (ratatouille, for instance), but she interrupted my meal.

my canadian teacher- he seems to know a lot about neuro. and i overheard this girl in class saying his quizzes were based mainly off his lecture notes. but i won't cheat myself this time around. or at least i hope i don't.

that would be interesting to put on my resume: fluent in swedish. i don't know why that sounds appealing.

schloss velden- i need to travel to austria and stay at that resort. once i find time in my schedule.

safari 3.0 beta: nothing impressive about it at all. firefox is still faster.

i was so turned on (mentally; i don't get hard-on's) by some subject in neuro today. i think it was a dissection of the neural crest when we were going through neuroanatomy and development. --i just remembered, it was epidural and subdural hematomas.-- i started some unnecessary fantasizing about things and people. then i flashed back to a previous lecture about how a large portion of the brain is devoted to facial expressions and the lips, and from that, i started daydreaming about making out. UGH.

limited edition banana-creme twinkies? caffeinated doughnuts? burger king adding spam to their menus as well? pepsi ice-cucumber flavor in japan?!

i'm going to make that 2-mile trek to Safeway today.



new hit: [wilmington (CA?)]

wonchon. sending me messages over facebook. jeez i hate that guy. i thought i got rid of him once he found a girlfriend.

i started reading the sirens of titan. if this book doesn't make me cry; well, i'm not sure what exactly i would do. i'd probably just bitch about drab and his poor taste in literature.

another thing to bitch about- clare as a tour guide. tour of the city my ass! psh, you'd expect a tour/city guide to be knowledgeable about EVERY part of the city, his hometown nonetheless. boy was i disappointed. terrrible. just terrible. i will NEVER recommend clare to give anybody a tour of SF. restaurants, a little more likely. the city: NO.

i get too emotional in my old age. i can't care about people. i refuse.

i need to stop watching shows that involve sex or include the word sex in their title. maybe all the tension isn't really emanating from the city itself.

as for severing all ties, how did i wind up being the person who hears updates from everyone? chatting with everybody online: crassie, jalto, contact w/ doerfy and hesse, sometimes janey and nants. i haven't heard from osh kosh b'josh in a while, so there's a start. ugh, i'm even talking to drab online. only in case of emergency my ass!

i think i have chest hair, but like the rest of the hair on my body, it's either short or too faint/light to notice.

i'm making my 2-mile trek to the closest safeway tomorrow. now's a good time to buy concentrated detergent-when you don't have a car. who would lug around a 48 oz. container of liquid detergent 2-miles back to their settlement?

creme fraiche and the sirens

i was wondering how that was spelled.

special interest- languages. i went to borders again today.

my little black book? NFT 2007 San Francisco. I found one that wasn't thoroughly bent. again with the purchases.

i have an interest in anime/manga/comics, but i am captivated by x-men and naruto for no specific reason. so i purchased a few comic books as well.

freud will have to be shelved. sherlock? maybe. i'll read the short stories. i caved and gave in to drab's book suggestion. i am curious as to how such a tiny book can make a grown man cry. the sirens of titan. vonnegut asks AND answers the question to the meaning of life, all in one book?! how daring of him. the only thing that shook my senses was some excerpt from the how doctors think book detailing the story of a mother adopting a child from vietnam and dealing with the baby's SCIDS, which turned out to be malnutrition, no thanks to the doctorS' incorrect diagnosis. then again, there were references to religion and the lady's faith in God and God's divine will, so that tarnished what could have been an alluring story.

i also got special topics in calamity physics. i was also going to purchase magyk, some young adult's novel involving fantasy, but somehow i felt i was too old for that stuff. maybe another time. i was also compelled to read harry potter. i'll wait until the last one and hope that harry finally dies, and i would no longer have to deal with his teenage angst.

oh yes, one more. lonely planet's cantonese phrasebook. back to the special interest in languages- i was tempted to buy the pimsleur's language software along with other books related to french and swedish. i don't know; i really want to learn those two right now for some reason, but i decided it was better that i master cantonese and mandarin before moving on. maybe another time for this one as well.

one complaint- the markup in prices at borders. they're just like barnes and noble. ugh.


maria berta

warm water isn't so bad now. i'm used to drinking warm water as opposed to cool water only because the water heater is sitting on my desk. it's like tea, without the caffeine and flavor.

too many distractions in this city. all i should do tomorrow is read read read.

the closest convenience store is 2.0 miles away. are you kidding me?! i have to walk 2 miles there and then walk back with groceries in tow? UGH!

so clare picked me up today from campus, then we went to pick doerfy up. where did we go for lunch? ah yes, boulange. i think. i ordered the egg frittata with greens and salmon. apparently the white stuff was creme fresh. i didn't really like it that much. not enough egg. it tasted more like potato. the salmon was decent, and i actually enjoyed the salad of mixed greens with vinaigrette dressing. what really surprised me, though, was the french onion soup. my previous encounters with french onion soup were never spectacular. i also knew i wouldn't get full off just that small order, so i got a soup as well. to my surprise, i thoroughly enjoyed that bowl (i chose that instead of the cup size) of french onion soup and the toasted soggy bread floating on top.

we then went walking around some place, and then went window shopping at another location.

finally, we started to actually sift through clothes around union square, where all those humongous stores are located along with the hobos sitting on the street playing their instruments. H&M. oh. so affordable, yes i found nothing that i liked. some clothes already looked like the ones i own, and the others reminded me of drab. drab and his drab clothing. where else? bloomingdale's, levi's, starbucks, aldo, borders, some i probably forgot. nice place to shop- if i had a car in the city.

i think we went to tomasso's for dinner. oh, and hesse tagged along. he didn't find me. rather, in an unfortunate turn of events, we all happened to just be at the same location at the inappropriate time. a late dinner. i was shaking, low on blood sugar. i shared a pizza with clare, mushroom and sausage, 15 in. the center of the pizza was better than the outer perimeter. enjoyable. i'm still full right now, 1 hour later.

also, i went up to break a 20 at the cash register, and after the waiter handed me me money, i was counting the bills in my hand to make sure i received the right amount. since i wasn't looking, i just naturally walked forward to a white booth and to sit down at the outside corner of the table next to clare. then out of the corners of my eyes i could see two pairs of eyes looking at me oddly. as i began to lean towards the table and sit down i quickly glanced up and noticed that this was NOT my table. so i attempted but failed to smoothly slide right over and past the booth over to my booth, the next one over, except i started cracking up even before i began to sit down at our table. OH how embarrassing. embarrassing moments- they only happen when i'm with people i don't like.

ugh clare, that jackass. teasing me still. i'm going to kick him in the head.

37th annual SF LBGT Pride Parade

penny arcade's getting a videogame? that's ridiculous.

i don't think of you, hesse. EVER. and if i did, you'd smell terrible. that's right, doerfy, i own yamamoto.

i used the same shampooo yesterday as today. it smelled like mango yesterday. i like mangoes. today it was more like coconut. i hate coconut in all it's conformations. the shampoo is some coco mango mixture. guai bu de.

sirens of titan. cat's cradle. sci-fi books. ugh, drab. no wonder.

the concept of space and the concept of time. how does the brain even process time, if it even can?

vonnegut majored in bioc? hmm. he died from brain damage weeks after a fall in his home. what a way to go. maybe that's why my parents keep urging me to hold my grandfather's hand to places such as the bathroom or up/down the stairs. if i were at that age, i would get annoyed if anybody younger than me tried to hold my hand.

nodes of ranvier

neurons- so sexy.

just listening to the professor talk about neurons- i'm not sure why that turned me on. i started thinking about people again. and having sex with those certain people. AH!

i'm going to pick up another sport to follow besides tennis. maybe baseball. barry bonds and his 747th. is his record even worth mentioning? i also probably want to go to a baseball game for the food. do they even sell cracker jacks anymore at games?

it's best that i don't live in a place with cold weather. i'd probably want to sleep under my comforter for the entire day and never get out of bed.

my life is full of rotten bing cherries. hanging out with clare today i guess? dread. and late AS USUAL.

fruit fly problem? yes. in the apartment. source? the trash can, of course. i threw that trash bag away. hopefully the fruit flies die before they can procreate. what's the average lifetime of a fruit fly?

such a crybaby, drab. first, capote. now sirens of titan. yeesh.



oh my. i forgot that i have a google group to discuss "serious" issues.

600 square feet isn't so bad. i think i could live by myself in even less than that. it'd force me to not buy so many products that would just crowd up space.

things i need to buy- handsoap, bar soap, toilet paper, spirals, and an NFT travel guide.

new order is so orgasmic.

perpetually behind schedule. is it just me?

whenever i think about people, i can start smelling them as well. it's odd. first, i have a poor sense of smell. second, i didn't really bother to smell every single person when i was at rice. everyone has a distinct odor. pheromones?

L'Ordre des Chevaliers du Saint-Esprit

is it odd that i place my cleavers/butcher knives in the top left drawer of my desk?

keith yamamoto- SO hott.

in order to get one thing done, you may have to stop and quit other endeaavors to stay focused.

hmm. i don't like that one bit.

everyone in this apartment has a goal. i'm surprised i'm living with people much older than me. a 24-year-old former emt. i think he's either thai or viet. i haven't bothered to ask him.

a 25-year-old philosophy graduate. getting started early on grad school. but he only has tuesday/thursday classes.

me. 22. post-bacc. still listening to cheesy chinese love songs. AHHH.

hesse was bothering me today about hanging out with clare.

the ideal car for this place, although not ideal for me, would be a mini cooper/S. that thing would parallel park nicely into any cramped spot, and any compact space. what the hell was days inn thinking by constructing an underground parking lot with compact spaces? everybody staying there was driving either a minivan or suv. that, and the square construction of the single floor of parking = flawed design.

the confidence gained by studying hard for an exam.

Broca's area

hmm the prof recorded his lecture for class. that's convenient. yet there's still a participation portion of the grade, which involves me going to class and signing an attendance sheet. "participation." hah.

the RA's here are very annoying. they actually come door-to-door making sure you go to their events. i'm a graduate. i'm tired. go away.

my aunt wants me to take a world tour with her. since my future isn't carved in stone yet, i'm considering it if this lifetime of studying business doesn't hold up.

which vonnegut book is a decent read, besides slaughterhouse 5? oh no, i forgot to bring hard-boiled wonderland with me.

the hunt continues. most importantly, an apartment. then, perhaps, a job.

rss feeds are overrated. except for blogs of people from college. sometimes the posts aren't long-winded or monotonous.

i have two post-cards from "one of the finest chinese restaurants in the city!" who am i supposed to send these to? and why dine at one of the finest chinese restaurants when i can dine at THE finest chinese restaurant in the city?

ganguro girl

new hits: [athens, milan, courbevoie, hiroshima, littleton, kansas city, elmhurst, amelia]

those orange tans and the bleached hair- that's not attractive in the least bit.

my leanings are way to the end for private schools. i had my neuroscience class today. in 2 hours i experienced one of the most dumbed-downed versions of a science topic. EVER. i didn't realize that i had to do an in-class presentation either. the class isn't based on a curve, so i won't be competing against the people in my class. darn. i was hoping to renew my sense of worth by crushing everyone else's as soon as possible. +/- designations. anything above a 90 is an A. most people get a solid B in his class. a majority of the grade is based on quizzes that are open book/note. the teacher's also canadian- his O-U's are explicity enunciated. no diphthongs.

i got refunded 150 dollars today for a zero-credit hour class. if i'm paying by the credit hour, how did i end up paying something for nothing?

the only thing left to do today is study/read. and look for an apartment in my future destinations.

i'm going to try out their servery today. maybe. it's only 11 and my class is already done. easy summer? crassie says that even master's students only take 9 hours of credit in a regular session.

put in my back pocket? i don't put anything in my jean pockets anymore. that's so old-fashioned. well, except for my billfold and cell phone.

i close my bedroom door. is that unwelcoming of me? oh well.


in a weird place

that comment- the month python one- didn't click. at all. i haven't seen enough monty python to recognize the reference. i hate you hesse.

welcoming gift?! what would welcome me more than anything are both of your demises. at my hands.

oh yeah. that clerk at borders. another thing that just came to mind. he kept saying "elementary my dear watson" over and over again. as if that weren't trite enough. not sure why sex and the city made me think of that.

if i were blogging last week, the day i arrived, i would have said something along the lines of: san francisco blows. or San Francisco = SF = FS (commutative property?) = Fucking Sucks.

overcast clouds, pastel houses mirroring a trippy encounter, terrible traffic/drivers, crowded one-way streets. and the mounting sexual tension. something about this city just keeps screaming sex. it was very uncomfortable. it still is.

what's a good guide to any city? lonely planet, frommer's foder's? contemplating purchasing one.

rock hard gaze

so i sat down on campus and started thinking. what AM i doing here?!

oh the teen angst. even though i'm not a teenager anymore.

yes. "here" refers to SF. for the summer, anyways. i wish to leave before anyone can find me.

110% muscle? drab?! HAHA GOOD ONE B米!ohhh you are just toooo funny sometimes.

rock hard gaze? from those pictures of drab in turkey, i'm better off calling him flab. flab and his lazy butterball ogling. HAha

9 PM. i suppose i'll read over tomorrow's notes before class starts.

sir arthur conan doyle

so i have another roommate. he sounds JUST like mark chen! and he's into computers, too. HAHA! except he's vietnamese. now what am i missing to this place? a gay. or a jew. a gay jew would be perfect.

i purchased this huge-ass book that presumes to compile all of sherlock holmes. it's titled "the complete sherlock holmes." we'll see. i went to borders today and bought that book, but at the counter, the guy had the nerve to strike up a conversation with me. RIGHT after he swiped my credit card and took my money, he then began saying how he took a class on holmes and how his analytical ability was flawed. then i signed the dotted line but accidentally ripped the paper. he then proceeded to give ANOTHER commentary on how you can observe how stressed people are by the strokes they make in their signature.

what the fuck?! i came to the counter so you can give me my damn book and leave! anyhow, i asked him what he thought about me since i ripped the merchant copy, since i was curious. he told me i was stressed. OH MAN what a fucking revelation- applying more stress to the paper can cause it to rip! WOWEE!

in less than a week, i went through rain, sun, fog, snow, and sleet. california weather. whoo.

psh let's NOT hang out. i don't want to be around your sick ass, hesse. i just got better.


grafenberg spot

i've been in my apartment for hours, and my ghost of a roommate comes out of his room to use the bathroom, or just leaves. i have yet to see him face to face.

oh well. i didn't come here to make friends.

too lazy right now to summarize all i've done in a week. maybe later. i started reading freud's interpretation of dreams. i also want to read some arthur conan doyle. i had no idea both of them were doctors. well, freud, maybe.

i already have notes to read for my neuro systems class. the bookstore's closed on the weekends, ugh.

my grampa's getting old. he's starting to hug his children now. maybe i'll start hugging people at that age. nah.

oh right. destinations. SF, San Mateo, San Jose, Lake Tahoe, Berkeley, Daly City, and some other places I forgot since I just drove along the way.

My parents have finally left. Now I can explore this city on my own. I had no idea my parents had so many contacts in this city. They told me to live in Pacifica (?), or Pacific Heights, something with Pacific in the name.

First thing I did today after my parents left- go to Borders. Such a nerd. I pilfered around and tried to find a science fiction/fantasy book worth purchasing but to no avail. Shannara, Silmarillion, and some other stuff about elves and faeries.

oh yeah, and too much sexual tension in this town. jesus christ.

and what drab told me about the people being fit here- WRONG. everybody may have nice legs from the walking and biking, but everyone here also has a belly.

more jobs to search for. hopefully i can start mid-summer? that or find a job on campus playing with children. my cantonese is getting better. everybody speaks cantonese here. i'm also picking up long-dong hua, the village language my relatives speak.

oh right, and thanks for the grad gift, hesse. i still hate you, nonetheless.

what the hell?! another revival of EspritDeCorps?! i'll think about it. are we posting articles or are we disussing? too long, too confusing. i'll look at it later.

i'm going to catch up on all the sleep that i lost this week due to having to sleep in the same room as my father. JESUS christ his snoring was so annoying. guten nacht.



i've been in cali. i've just been without internet. i finally have it. now i have to leave.


interpreting dreams

My next book after How Doctors Think will be none other than Sigmund Freud's The Interpretation of Dreams. I wonder what he has to say about my dreams. I realized that I'm going to be with my parents for a LOT longer, so i'm going to need a really long book to distract me from my annoyance by them.

not sure what it is- these flashes of a headboard pounding against the wall. very odd.

richie ren!!!

i got the most unexpected call from clare foo yung today [the screaming tranny in the pic from a few posts ago].

AM i lying? haha. psh, and what makes you think you'll see me in SF, hesse? you wouldn't recognize me even if you saw me on the street.

so clare and judy garland were shopping or another today and disturbed my peaceful existence.

OH YEAH. UGH, what is wrong with you?! NO i will NOT make out with you!!! there are only 2... 3 people that i would CONSIDER but highly reject the offer if the situation ever arose. JESUS H. CHRIST!

new hobbies: either revisit the piano/pick it up again, or learn to play the guitar, harmonica.

my loins tingle with excitement. or it could be a disease. oh well.


new hit(s): [tallinn, irvine, clute, amarillo, goteford, maybe bursa/augusta]

splitting headaches.

looking back on it, i'm not really sure what i was doing; telling my parents what i'm going to do and where i'm going. as if they would be fine with it. and somehow they are.

i really need to get out of this place. i'm going to see my brother's dog for the first time. or he might have moved it to a friend's place for the night. a chihuahua? who in their right mind would pick that breed besides taco bell?

stowing away three carry-on items: messenger bag, laptop case, backpack. all i need are those items and my clothes, and yet i see these boxes lying around everywhere. i hope they packed the books i wanted to read too.

a restaurant with a dance floor. new idea. one city at a time.

it would be nice to have secured a job and just live. lunch with friends chatting about whatever comes across our minds and attending parties on the weekends. i've really been watching too much satc. gotta stop that.

first change once i change location: no impulsive purchases. too much shit lying around the house that i'm never going to use again.

burning down the house

my cousins wanted to watch 13 going on 30. they really do have trouble watching american movies, even with english subtitles.

at one point the "loser" kid was playing talking heads' "burning down the house" at the party, and the cool kids just stood there giving him this blank stare.

i'm leaving tomorrow afternoon/night. going to stay over in dallas or irving at my brothers' place before flying out saturday. i think? i'm not really sure what day the tickets are booked for, but my mom has been stressing out and packing things into boxes since last week.

i still haven't packed yet. i'm packing tomorrow after going back to the eye doctor to pick up my new contact lenses. and some other ones, to change things up. maybe people won't recognize me in a crowd after that. i also can't wait to get a haircut in cali. it might not be good, but it can't possibly be as tragic as crassie's recent shear. HAHA!

my cousins are wondering if i'm going to stay in cali after flying over there. they also asked if i'd ever come back to texas. i said maybe.

farewell texas? is there a good reason to come back?

oh yeah. sex and the city: TOO MANY PUNS.