
gross anatomy

psh i knew you two were having sex. sickos. and stop having sex all over the bed sheets. ew. i would never want to go to sleep in a shallow pool of smelly, salty water. all my friends are too horny, yet all my roommates are prudes when i comes to partying/drinking/dancing, and they talk about sex as if we're still in high school.

psh, you and nants might have been better roommates, but i don't miss EITHER of you. oh, janey, how exaclty do i go about finding a prof to research under? what should i be looking for? i remember when you were looking for someone at NIH- were there websites for that stuff: funding, publications, some ranking system for them, etc.

if you had a dental dam, or your partner got two enemas and didn't eat the night before, would you eat them out? tocus-lingus, is that it?

my roommates also taught me what a donkey punch is. during sex when you're doing her doggy style, you're supposed to punch her REALLY hard in the back of the head so that she buckles and gets tight, ensuring a more pleasurable orgasm for the giver. i just thought the punching in the back of the head was hilarious.

except i didn't quite catch what they were talking about when they said felching (sp?).

i think my roommates wanted to go wine-tasting in Napa Valley. or was that clare?

i'm doing my readings/studying this afternoon, and for what purpose: so that i can party tonight or the weekend. so much for being a mature adult who's driven and has his priorities straight. OH WELL. i started looking at postbacc places in CA, NY, TX, and yes, MD for after this summer. who knows where i'll end up.


Jing said...

what is felching?

go wine tasting! that sounds fantastic!!!

well, I looked for # of recent publications and impact factor of publications when emailing a PI. But I would really advise interviewing with them to see what they'd expect from you, etc. I am doing a lot of work at my job... a lot more than I'm used to... so be careful with too prestigious a lab also. And try to not get stuck crossing animals like flies, or taking care of mice. Ask to see if you can get a small personal project opportunity... I dunno. Also, most importantly, research profs/dr.s in a field you enjoy. I recommend immunology research - it's tangible and interesting!

Practical Female Scientist said...

Hi Jing. "Felching" is... ok there's really no nice way to say this. It's when you cum in someone's ass, and then suck it back out and, I suppose, swallow. Watch "The Aristocrats" movie. They go over a lot of these things.

The donkey punch is *hillarious*.

... um... why *two* enemas? And no. Dental dam maybe. Sue Johanson made it look like fun.

And btw. Sex is often an integral part of a long term relationship these days. A good sex life is as important as good communication (also a result of it?). Sometimes you have to make social sacrifices in order to remind your partner that they're the most important person to you.

And dude, I don't know about you, but I didn't have sex in highschool and I only talked about it in jest. i.e. someone brought up some pretty hillarious porn or something. I also didn't party/drink/dance in higschool. All I did was kick ass.

Jesse said...

You better be ready to party! Cause I'm getting ready to party with you!!