
ip man

I was kinda relying on Crassie to be my roommate for Lizbean's and Doc Fondles' wedding, except she's bringing her bf Geoffrey along. She offered to share their room w/ me, but that would probably make me uncomfortable. Greater than or equal to the discomfort I felt when unwillingly sharing my bed during college w/ couples.

LA was not relaxing, but still fun. Now I have all this work to do in preparing a poster.

Cells are still alive and ticking, so something's good. Human cells are very robust, according to my time needs anyways... only because they grow much more slowly than mouse brain cells.

Although, I come back to lab and find several things in disarray. Why must I be the cleanest one in lab??? Isn't this how it always works with living situations? It's usually the person who's cleaner than the rest that gets frustrated and annoyed with the relative dirtiness of the condition in which the others leave the place. All the tubes are in disarray, the water levels are low in the incubators and baths, the reagents have not been restocked. Sigh.

Another day at work. Restarting tomorrow.

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