
neural networks

I feel very bloated this afternoon.

What I don't understand is why I sweat so profusely in lab all day. I must not be living in the right environment. Maybe East Coast weather would better suit me? East Coast winters. If only I could lower the temp of the A/C, things would be peachy.

My compulsive behavior, as it logically follows, has a knack for compulsive purchases. My spending spree this time involves acquiring several plane tickets towards areas along the California coastline. Los Angeles, Riverside, and San Diego.

I've been spending so much time in lab, filling up my days with so many laborious tasks and unwanted chores, that I can feel myself becoming... more of an unfeeling robot.

I really should get back to all these emails in my inbox. Especially Lizbean's.

Mario's head is AT LEAST the size of his torso. Even babies' heads are that large. Maybe those disproportions are what makes those characters so likeable.

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