

Canceling class today.

Any other news to blog about... been sick for the past week, gulping down generic NyQuil to suppress my coughs so that I can get a full night's sleep.

Found out my roommate has cataracts, or he had cataract surgery. It's difficult to comprehend him sometimes.

About to start cooking again. Starting with spaghetti, since I have a case of materials leftover from the old apartment that my mom never made, even though she had planned on it.

Writing my personal statement, other essays, finishing them this week, handing them over to Kaiser for review/revision. Turning them in before the end of this month. HAHA, yeah yeah I've been procrastinating. I blame it on summer school.


Oh right, had another dream about Drab last Thursday. The only thing I remember now is me being alone in a room with him, and him taking off his shirt to make me even more uncomfortable around him. That hobag needs to respond to his emails quicker.

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