

UGHHHH why am I being such a slacker?!?!

Would it be wrong to wish that my roommate keel over?

Research is picking up again! Mmm.

Ever since work started, I've been getting checks in the mail, some that aren't even related to work! Mmm, money in the bank!

Feeling a little deja vu, maybe I should check my previous posts to be sure I'm not talking about the same thing.

This pretty lady turned her head to the side to cough- she ended up coughing on me right as I passed her. She apologized and then started laughing with her friend.

Would it be weird to stay at Kaiser's place when I visit Houston? I need a place to stay while I do my exit interview, as well as visit old profs... I'm hoping it won't turn into one of those awkward moments that people laugh about if they see it on tv, only I'm hoping it doesn't become like that.

Personal Statement. Start!

... start?

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