
beta blockers

Lessons from the Emergency Department last week.

This patient was lying in a gurney.

NaCl hanging up high. Pressure. Flow rate. Bernoulli's equation? If below vein, blood backflows. Push additional saline into IV to prevent clotting, backflow of blood.

Low HR. Average 60-100. Unless you're an athlete.


Best moment of the night: "Thank you... for all you've done today!"

This old gentleman was pacing about in the ED during my volunteer shift, and I was concerned that he was just lost, so I just walked up to him and asked, "Sir, are you lost? Can I help you?"

He wasn't lost- he was just walking back and forth down the hallway because he was waiting for his wife in x-ray. He thanked me and went about his pacing ways.

Later on in the night, he was walking around again, so I asked him if he needed anything. In his hand was a card that he had picked up from a patient, possibly his wife, and she forgot to take it up with her. She was apparently admitted to the hospital, and this card contained information about transplants. I told him that I would find her and return that card to her, to which he thanked me profusely.

It always embarrasses me when the patients thank me. As much as I appreciate the feeling, it never feels like I did enough to earn their gratitude.

Tonight I will be summarizing a few patient stories to send to my ED volunteer coordinator, in order to highlight some poignant interactions I've had while volunteering here.

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