
bard of avon

I've decided not to be a sad sally/negative nancy and spend Thanksgiving by myself this year. So I'm flying down to LA to enjoy the holidays with families.

Another student death. sPamalot's cousin, Paul. I think he was a student at Jones, too. No idea what happened. I hope it wasn't the med school pressure thing that got to him. Seeing all these postings for a wake.

I keep having these moments in lab of pure clarity followed by apathetic desensitization. There's points where my head just explodes with how great the research might be in having an influence on the world, and then there are days where I see the pointlessness of going to lab day in and day out. Little progress, if any, in the grand scheme.

People giving research presentations- more and more annoying. Pet peeve = any time the presenter uses filler words such as: essentially, basically, etc.

Hungry! Grocery shopping. Adieu.

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