

Yes! I'm not a failure! I think I'm just happy I was able to pull off missing only 1 problem on the final exam. Hmm, now think, if I studied this hard for all my other exams throughout the year... I probably could have made an A instead of an A-. Sigh. Then again, I skipped that class all the time. Terrible lecturer, speaking to the class as if we were babies.

Now to try and keep an A in 2 other classes while trying to pull off an A- in a class I have no idea where my grade stands at this point.

Plant biology could be an interesting field to go into, if I just wanted to study chromatin, non-neuroscience. Didn't know there was a neuroimmunology field either.

MMM foggy days have returned to SF! I hope it lasts like this forever, that is, until my mother arrives. Then I hope the UV rays from the heavens smite her with the wrath of the Texas two-step. I feel sleep-deprived.

Gotta finish a paper for final and print it out in lab. Adios amigos.

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