

I'm supposed to be starting my personal statement this week, so that I could send that out along with other information to the people doing my letters.
...I can see why people put off writing the personal statement until the last minute. Why medicine?!

How can someone's motivation be considered a better reason than others?


So I've been lazy posting.

What was I going to reply to... OH YEAH EW to the staring at buttcrack, MattPatt!

Got to watch tons of mice perish today. Heads flying all over the place. 8 were slain to extract cortical and miscellaneous cells. Another 6 fell in battle to be sectioned in the cryostat.

How am I going to make myself a more competitive applicant... applications suck. I was talking to Drab a few weeks ago when I went to see his lab. Being a grad student, it seems he doesn't have to worry about all that paperwork anymore- the application, letters of recommendation, standardized test scores. All he has to do now is publish. Or die.

Less blogging, more practice problems. And membrane biochemistry.

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