
candelabra butt plug

I was originally going to title this entry "jewellery," because it fascinated me how Australians have their unique way of spelling words like the British, but hidden sex toys are just more hilarious. It's like Transformers for the bedroom.

Hmm, my Danimal's wife has the same birthday as my brother. He has no idea what to get his wife for her birthday, so he's enlisted the lab's help. The only clue we've been given is that she likes tech toys/gadgets.

Why have I been so possessive of people lately? Hmm, who knows, but once I've started reverting back to my I don't give a shit attitude (old self) about who steals my friends, everything's peachy.

The "1" button on the UV spec reads "Bradford" on it. How inconvenient.

So if someone allows you to go through their food stash, how often will you keep eating their food? Do you just take a little now and then? Do you feel guilty taking their food at any moment in time, or is it just when the ration dwindles to a few pieces left in the container? Who has the guts to eat the last few pieces of chocolate/candy without feeling any remorse?

It seems like everyone should be able to publish really good papers into either Cell, Science, or Nature. Maybe it's because of the constraints placed upon lab work (time and/or money) that force people to just throw whatever current data they have out into the open.

I am now a certified Translink trial user!

Of all the people, the stockbroker sends me a birthday card through the mail. Happy 24th Elle (yesterday).

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