

My hair!!! My issues with speaking Cantonese to Cantonese people isn't just isolated to hair salons. At lunch today, I was asking the lady in the lunch line what kind of meat was in the chicken-fried steak-looking thing, and she answered back to me in Cantonese, saying it was beef. I started talking to her in Cantonese- she completely ignores me. And then when Benihana and I ate the damn thing, there wasn't even beef inside!

Tonight my postdoc and I started gchatting about the poster we're going to present on Wednesday. I have no friends outside of lab...

Uh oh. Riding in the car with my PI, for 2 1/2 hours BOTH ways. Talk about extending the awkward phase.

Sometimes it's hard for me to believe that fat people are vegetarians. Perhaps I just associated vegetarianism with healthy eating, when in fact a majority of them may just be frying all their veggies for dinner.

I've been comparing myself to the recent rotation student in my lab. It could be the difference in age and/or experience, but 2 people seem to have vastly different approaches to scientific questions. I think I'm just venting because it seems he's getting more and more excited about his mini-project during his 11 (10?) weeks left here.

Oh right, happy birfday, Sophbox's sister.

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