
in heat

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i saw sophie marceau walking the outer loop today. hmm, what is that maiden doing around the outer loop on university?

some dream i had earlier in the week involved katie. and krazy katie. normal katie wanted to be friends again, so i was at some diner with her. we were eating- me and komposed katie across the table. but there was krazy katie right next to me, the one who wanted to start up a relationship, who was on all fours crawling up to me and trying to caress me and kiss my neck. i tried to shove her off while i was having a nice dinner conversation with katie across the table. that didn't work out. i woke up.

i had another dream about drab last night. there wasn't anything special about this one. i was just talking to him, in my dream, about a dream i had the night before. freaky. and then? no comment. AGH!

when i was studying for my tests. when i was taking my two tests today. i keep getting hot flashes and keep fantasizing about people. it's terrible. i'm not even hanging around the people that i get daydreams about. ugh. i'm going to wait this thing out. starting with a cold shower.

two tests and a paper tomorrow. one final saturday, and a final paper for bios310, which won't be hard. i'm going to try to finish by sunday, turn everything in then.

a career as a food writer? hmm. i wouldn't mind dealing with food everyday. not that i don't already.

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