
gordon sumner

Oh right, I forgot to congratulate Maury on her engagement. Even though Marky Mark was our suite mate junior year, I feel as though I became better friends with Maury than him. For good reason. So they're engaged, but when are they getting married?

Kaiser's coming up from Fremont. Is there anything exciting to do in that city? As a friend, I should be excited about seeing people, but it's stressing me out more than anything. Rashes are forming all over my body, acne bursting on the face, plus I need to get a haircut so that I don't look like a dork. Ugh.

And then I have to deal with my parents, who keep reminding me not to turn off my cell phone and to be at my place so that they won't be locked out when they arrive. Should probably cancel my internet service and PG&E soon...

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