

Talked to my PI again today.

Except while getting there, I overshot my stop and ended up near the bay. And then I took an elevator that only took me up to one floor below the one I had to get to, and the stairs next to the elevators didn't connect to the next floor up.

Then on the bus ride back, these elementary school Asian kids were taking pictures of each other on their cell phone, and one kid was asking the other to say something. Since the one being recorded didn't say anything, that prompted the one holding the cell phone to say, "You suck dick." I have lost all faith in the youth of America.

Another thing I've lost faith in: raspberries. One of the least fulfilling fruits I've ever encountered.

Yeah... feeling heavy pressure to do well in lab. Wonder why I never felt that before. Maybe my PI this time around seems more intense.

Toying around with the idea of Md/Phd, but I'd have to look into it a little more to see how it goes. They seem to have a more balanced lifestyle.

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