

If it's not a dream about Drab, but a dream about lab.


My PI was showing me how to do a VERY simple procedure: draw liquid from a sealed flask. So I started aspirating the container, but during that time, my pipette came out of the liquid. Then my PI started shouting at me, telling me how useless I was, and I started crying. Then I was transported to inside the Kingdom Hearts videogame, where I was killing the black heartless with my keyblade, trying to collect as many of the green munnies as possible.

I had a couple intersecting dreams last night as well...


I walked over to this old couple's house, who then gave me two of their dogs to take care of for them. One was a brown spaniel(?), and the other was a white pug. Somehow the brown one disappeared from my dream, and I was pretty much walking this pug around without a leash. Very obedient. Before having to return them, we waded through a plot of grass that was muddy, and once we got to the sidewalk, we ran into none other than Krazy Katie. I try to walk by her with my head down, hoping that she wouldn't recognize me, but from her mouth came the words,"Long time no see." There wasn't anything else I could do except greet her. She was asking me what I was doing in SF, and I was telling her I had a rough time with grades during college due to unfortunate circumstances. Then she said,"Oh, right..." in a mocking tone, which led me to start yelling at her about what actually happened to me. Only then did she feel sorry and walked with me to the old neighbors' house, where the pug made muddy paw prints all over their carpet. We were talking, and suddenly she kissed me, just a peck. Awkward. A few minutes later, she tried to plant one right on the smacker. So I guess I kissed back? The issue, though, was that she was just sitting there with her mouth open, not doing anything. I know I haven't kissed in a loooooong time, but something else should be happening, right? At that point I tried moving my mouth- she was still, well, STILL. Ok, different approach: tongue. It was like digging into an empty cavern, nothing there. So there I sat, in an extremely uncomfortable position on the couch, with Krazy Katie kissing like a dead goldfish.

Okay, have to eat before going to lab, and then restock my fridge. Toodle-loo.

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