

Was logging on to Twitter again, and Carl's Jr. posted something about a piece of clothing recently purchased. There was an inclination to comment, but some of the things I say usually come off as... harsh. So I've decided to place my thoughts on this blog, as opposed to the other PUBLIC forum. So maybe it's pointless. OH WELL.

What I initially thought after the page loaded was: $132?! You're willing to pay more for that flap of foreskin around your neck?!

The quality of the New York Times- I read an article just now where the writer used b.f.f. in the middle of the story. Maybe it's one of those evolution of the language things, or maybe they hired a staff writer who was born in the 90s.

Sometimes I feel I can related to Kaiser on some level, but other times I have no idea what she's thinking when her mind's racing at 100 miles an hour while trying to leave me voice mail. It's always nice, though, to get out of the blue calls from people you haven't talked to in a while. Most people don't even bother leaving a message, while others text you, which could be perceived as a method of avoiding that whole reaching your voice mailbox type of rejection.

The annoying part about hospital volunteering- having to sit through the 3 hour orientation. It's even worse when a boring speaker presents the powerpoint slides.

Oh yeah, haha. Jalto and I are hunting ghosts in the future.

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