

Conservapedia... I don't know. It SEEMS to make sense. Maybe they DO bring up good points in their articles- they certainly cite more references than Wikipedia.

Sometimes I get the feeling that medical students lose their sense of humor along the way through med school. This one woman in my lab wants to become a neurosurgeon, and she keeps telling me how not getting any sleep is preparing me for surgery. Even worse, when I told her that I didn't have breakfast today (when it was already 1PM) before getting to lab at 8AM (big accomplishment for me, for those who don't know that I'm incapable of waking up during daylight hours), she exclaimed,"See, you're already prepared for a life in surgery." No food?! UGHHHHH!!!!

I have this irresistible urge to cook for my lab members, and force them to try my food. I think it's because I've asked each lab mate separately, and their opinions about the cafeteria food being bad were consistent. In my head, I was also already planning a Christmas gift for the lab by taking snapshots of each of them and putting all our heads on Power Rangers or something. In any case, it would be a HUGE card hanging on the front door to the lab.

One terrible thing I did was not go to lab one day this week and NOT telling my PI I wasn't going to be there... and I feel bad about it. Ugh something must be wrong with me when I start caring about how other people feel. Ugh something must be wrong with me when all I can talk about now is science and research and medicine.

I wonder if my coworkers would enjoy taking hip hop dance classes with me... HAHAHA.

Catching Doc Fondles on Facebook as the same time as me. Unheard of! I thought he only had time for med school and Lizbian.

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