

It felt more like christmas today than thanksgiving.

It's been an interesting month. December's going to be more fun.

Time spent in LA with the relatives. Always a blast with the cousins. My younger cousin, Lavena, told my parents, "I don't like you. I like he," in reference to me. And she wanted to hold my hand every time she came over. That was a bit much, but she was fun to be around most of the time.

So I can't shake off the fact that I'm more easygoing with kids. More honesty, more unadulterated fun, more laughs.

One negative thing: being there with the family and extended family has gotten MY chromosomes humming. Need to fight that urge.

My grandfather's so fragile now.

I'm stuck in my apartment, with my parents. Thank goodness they're not staying here for too long since I have school on Monday. One more month until winter break!

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