

I don't like flies. And I don't want to live in Berkeley. 2 X's.

My turn-on(s): treating me to dinner. I think that ranks up there along with a good mahjong player, and those who know what foods I like currently.

I don't know what Clare was talking about. San Diego is so nice, except for the fact that many people wear clothes from Pac Sun, Hollister, or other beach/surfwear stores.

If I weren't in love with Kaiser before, I definitely am now! I've been writing my stem cell paper for Development, when I hear this banging outside my room. Someone is knocking at my door at 9 in the morn, which was definitely annoying at first. Then I open the door to see this delivery of a large package, for me?! Just when I had thought that wily wench had not received my letter, she goes and send ME something.

I probably should have opened the package later, but being impulsive, I cut away at the tape. 30 PACKAGES OF INDO MIE MI GORENGS OH EM GEE!!! Swoon.

I think I may shed a tear. My stomach is t-double-o TOO elated right now.