
le festin

Riding the Line 22(?) up and down Fillmore, one tends to hear the N-word being thrown about by both African and Mexican Americans. Somehow it's not surprising that both races are able to use that word in public.

Another job interview at UCSF... and yet I can't even remember applying for this job. His research sounds pretty interesting, though. Neural stem cells and development.

Is it wrong to feel that stupidity arises when Asians gather in groups in America? Particularly Asian youth who blindly support Asian groups/activities/ideals without even questioning their actions.

Purchased a digital camera today. Finally. After not having one like all the cool kids in college, I now have a simple point-and-shoot slim design Canon along with an 8 gb SDHC (it was discounted 40 dollars). Expect this blog to be spruced with animated images. Hopefully I'll be able to capture events like getting hit by that lady earlier in the year for all to experience the event as I do.

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