

happy birfday, isle. i only hope you don't sleep with inappropriate men when you're drunk.

ohhhhh my nose is so red.

more anxious about grades than about the new year.

resolutions? to better myself?

i made friends today at the smithsonian. 2 squirrels. one reached up to my shoe and knee once. i petted it. i hope i remembered to wash my hands before eating dinner tonight.

my aunt and i were going to buy sparkling cider to ring in the new year. the only problem was that, at cvs, people ransacked the aisle with the champagne and other goodies. it was as if a black hole appeared at that shelf at the most inopportune moment: right before we arrived at the store. ugh.

i'm drinking milk and calling it a night.

this officer at the pentagon was yelling at me from a distance not to take any pictures. it's not like he had to worry- the building looks like a piece of shit in the first place. i'd be surprised if anybody would want to immortalize their D.C. experience with flashes of a building whose architects lacked such creativity that they had to name it after a geometric shape.

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